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译林版小学英语教材使用将近4年,广大一线教师对于新教材的使用情况如何?遇到了一些怎样的困难?本文在通过对一线教师调查的基础上拟提出帮助教师个体如何更顺利地使用新教材的几点建议,希望教师们能够在新教材的使用初期把握主动权,更轻松、更有效地使用新教材,力争与新教材共同成长。为了了解小学一线英语教师对于新教材的使用和适应情况,及时分析新教材使用中存在的相关问题,笔者于2015年4月对江苏省海门市的小学英语一线在 Yilin version of primary school English textbooks used for nearly 4 years, the vast majority of front-line teachers for the use of new textbooks? Encountered some of what kind of difficulties? This article is based on the survey of teachers on the basis of proposed to help teachers how to more smoothly use the new individual Some suggestions for teaching materials, hope teachers can seize the initiative in the early use of new textbooks, easier and more effective use of new textbooks, and strive to grow together with the new textbook. In order to understand the primary English teachers for the use of new textbooks and adapt to the situation, the timely analysis of the use of new textbooks related issues, the author in April 2015 in Haimen, Jiangsu Province, primary school English at
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