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中国现实主义伟大诗人杜甫在旅陇期间写了不少纪行诗,绝大部分的当今地址已被确定,而由秦州至同谷的《龙门镇》、《积草岭》二诗的现地尚存歧见。此文专对“龙门镇”诗的现地作了考证。目前,学界主要有两种观点:一是《一统志》认为“龙门镇”在成县府城镇。二是《西和县志》提出“龙门镇”在西和坦途关。该丈从《水经注》和《水经注.图》对西汉水南总两条支流洛谷水、洛溪水的记载进行考察,理清了洛谷水与洛溪水,洛溪水与今六巷河之间的关系,确定洛溪水、洛汉水、六汉水三名实为一水:又对洛溪水的支流“龙门水”以及它的支流“横水”和“页水”进行考察,理清了三水的区别和地理位置;弄清了龙门戍与龙门镇的关系,也弄清了洛谷、龙门谷、洛汉谷的关系及具体位置;并从龙门水的发源、流向、交汇点及其地理特征考证,判定西和县石峡镇石峡街是杜诗“龙门镇”的现地。剖析了成县府城和西和坦途关不是唐“龙门镇”的基本理由。从史料和地理特征两个方面找出了有力证据。 Du Fu, the great poet of Chinese realism, wrote many discipline-related poems during his stay in Longxu. The vast majority of today’s addresses have been identified. However, from Qinzhou to Tonggu, the “Longmen Town” and “ Differences still exist. This text specifically for ”Dragon Town “ poetry is made in the field. At present, the academic community has two main points: First, ”unification Zhi“ think ”Longmen Town “ in the county town. Second, ”West and County“ proposed ”Longmen Town “ in West and Tanzania pass. The husband from the ”water by the note“ and ”water through the note.“ On the Western Han Dynasty, the two branches of Luogu water, 洛溪 water records were inspected to clarify the Luogu water and 洛溪 water, 洛溪 water and today alley The relationship between the determination of 洛溪 water, 洛汉水, six Han water is actually a water three: another tributary of the 洛溪 ”Longmen water“ and its tributaries ”horizontal water“ and ”page“ water ”To inspect, to clarify the difference between Sanshui and geographical location; clarify the relationship between Longmen Shu and Longmen Town, but also to clarify the relationship between Los Valley, Longmen Valley, Valley of Lohan and the specific location; and from Longmen water Origin, flow, intersection and geographical features of the text to determine the West County Shek Kip Sai Strait Street is Du Fu “Longmen Town ” is the present. An analysis of the county seat of the city and the West and the road pass is not Tang “Dragon Town ” the basic reason. Strong evidence has been found from both historical and geographical features.