Preparation of Pt/C Nanocatalysts by Ethylene Glycol Method in Weakly Acidic Solutions

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huahua_yang
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Pt/C catalysts were prepared by ethylene glycol (EG) method in weakly acidic solutions adjusted by sodium citrate (Na3Cit), sodium acetate (NaAc) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH), separately. The effects of alkalizing agent, pH and temperature were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and CV. The composition and structure of Pt/C catalyst prepared at optimal conditions of 140℃ and pH=6.7 adjusted by Na3Cit was further characterized by X-ray photoelectron microscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The average particle size of Pt/C catalyst prepared using Na3Cit is 2.1 nm, smaller than that of Pt/C catalyst (2.9 nm) prepared using NaAc, much smaller than that of Pt/C catalyst (100 nm) prepared using NaOH. The electrocatalytic activity of Pt/C catalysts prepared using Na3Cit and NaAc for ethanol oxidation are 456.6 and 419.2 mA/mgPt, comparative to those of Pt/C catalyst prepared by typical EG method and commercial E-TEK Pt/C catalyst. Finally, the size control mechanism of Pt nanoparticles was discussed. Pt / C catalysts were prepared by ethylene glycol (EG) method in weakly acidic solutions adjusted by sodium citrate (Na3Cit), sodium acetate (NaAc) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH), separately. The effects of alkalizing agent, pH and temperature were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and CV. The composition and structure of Pt / C catalyst prepared at optimal conditions of 140 ° C and pH = 6.7 adjusted by Na3Cit was further characterized by X-ray photoelectron microscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The average particle size of Pt / C catalyst prepared using Na3Cit is 2.1 nm, smaller than that of Pt / C catalyst (2.9 nm) prepared using NaAc, much smaller than that of Pt / C catalyst ) prepared using NaOH. The electrocatalytic activity of Pt / C catalysts prepared using Na3Cit and NaAc for ethanol oxidation are 456.6 and 419.2 mA / mg Pt, comparative to those of Pt / C catalyst prepared by typical EG method and commercial E-TEK Pt / C catalyst. Finally, the size con trol mechanism of Pt nanoparticles was discussed.
A micrometer-sized nanostructured,magnetic,ball-like FexOy-CeO2 composite was synthesized through an ethylene-glycol mediated process.The synthesized samples we
人物简介  阮雪榆,中国工程院的首批院士、我国冷挤压技术的开拓者、著名的塑性成形与数字化制造专家。出生于国家危难之际的他,为了祖国的科学事业,为了祖国的科技创新,为了祖国的日益强大,几十年如一日,默默地、无私地奉献着。  新中国成立70年来,涌现出许多为国家默默付出的科学家。他们怀揣爱国之心,将青春乃至生命奉献给科学事业。在他们心里,国为重,家为轻,科研最重,名利最轻。他们以求索精神定义了知识的力
“你什么都不要跟我说,我最讨厌没出息的人。”  “约定?我们之间有什么约定?”  “还得谢谢你曾看轻我。”  一  张绍凡于我就是天敌,这丫头从小就看不起我。虽然我们住在同一条街道,年纪相仿,从上幼儿园开始就是同学,但她一直是老师宠爱、同学拥护的好班长,而我是吊儿郎当、不学无术,还成天调皮捣蛋的坏孩子。  我和张绍凡之间界线分明,她走她的阳关道,我过我的独木桥,原本可以相安无事的,但她天生爱管人,
1935年端午节,徐悲鸿在张大千成都的寓所与其及众多好友欢聚,边吃盐蛋粽子边饮雄黄酒,尽赏蜀中端阳民俗。酒酣之际画意浓,大家都纷纷执笔作画。徐 1935 Dragon Boat Festiva