Coverage and connectivity-aware clustering within k hops in wireless sensor and actuator networks

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhhanyin
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Wireless sensor and actuator networks(WSANs)are a new kind of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks.Because actuators should provide maximal coverage for the sensed data,sensor-actuator connectivity is very important.However,no research considered both the maximal coverage and connectivity of sensoractuator.Once the sensors are out of coverage or the connectivity fails,the actuators cannot perform the correct actions for the area of interest.If a sensor cannot build a routing path from itself to any actuator,it becomes an orphan sensor.We therefore propose a coverage and connectivity aware clustering within k-hops(CCAC-k).In CCAC-k,sensors pick a cluster head before the actuators have been placed.All sensors are covered by at least one actuator and there are no orphan sensors in the monitored area,even when deployed randomly.Simulation results demonstrate that the coverage and connectivity of CCAC-k is higher than that of existing WSAN clustering solutions.CCAC-k also deploys fewer actuators than existing clustering solutions In addition,the coverage and connectivity in CCAC-k remains at 100%even under changes in the ratio of the transmission radius of the actuator to that of the sensor or the number of sensors.Finally,the number of actuators deployed in CCAC-k can be decreased if this or the number of sensors increased. Wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSANs) are a new kind of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. Because the actuators should provide maximal coverage for the sensed data, sensor-actuator connectivity is very important. No, no research considers both maximal coverage and connectivity of sensoractuators .Once the sensors are out of coverage or the connectivity fails, the actuators can perform the correct actions for the area of ​​interest. If a sensor can not build a routing path from itself to any actuator, it becomes an orphan sensor. We therefore propose a coverage and connectivity aware clustering within k-hops (CCAC-k) .In CCAC-k, sensors pick a cluster head before the actuators have been.All sensors are covered by at least one actuator and there are no orphan sensors in monitoring area, even when deployed randomly. Simulation results demonstrate that the coverage and connectivity of CCAC-k is higher than that of existing WSAN clustering solutions. CCAC-k also deploys fewer ac tuators than existing clustering solutions In addition, the coverage and connectivity in CCAC-k remains at 100% even under changes in the ratio of the transmission radius of the actuator to that of the sensor or the number of sensors. Finally, the number of actuators deployed in CCAC-k can be decreased if this or the number of sensors increased.
据中国有色金属工业协会统计,2008年10月份全国钨精矿产量7 840 t,比9月份产量(8 286 t)下降5.38%;1~10月份全国累计钨精矿产量68 025 t,同比增长0.12%。 According to the
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顾淑型(1897-1968)江苏无锡人,是我国早期著名的女摄影家和社会活动家,中国摄影学会(今中国摄影家协会)成立大会的代表,第一、第二届理事会常务理事。也是明代思想家、东林党领袖顾宪成的后裔,丈夫陈翰笙是著名的社会科学家和社会活动家。顾淑型的一生大致可分为三个时期:  第一时期,新民主主义革命初期(1917-1926)  顾淑型赴美国勤工俭学,学成回国从事教育工作期间,深受李大钊革命思想的影响,