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1941年5月2日生于上海。祖籍浙江上虞。华东师范大学历史系教授、博士生导师。兼任中国美国史研究会常务理事、上海世界史研究会理事、上海国际友人研究会理事。1967年华东师大历史系研究生毕业。1978年起在华东师大任教至今。1982—1984年公派赴美国弗吉尼亚州立大学(VPT&SU)研修美国历史;1992—1993年作为美国富布赖特高级访问学者赴美格林纳尔学院(GrinnellCollege)作研究。著有《华盛顿评传》、《美国史纲:从殖民地到超级大国》、《美国第一任总统华盛顿》等;主编《影响历史的百部经典》,《20世纪世界大博览(上下册)》(常务副主编),《美国通史》(刘绪贻、杨生茂总主编)第四卷《美国的崛起与扩张:1898—1929》(分卷主编);主持翻译(英)罗伯茨十卷本《世界文明通史》(翻译组负责人之一)。发表论文“美国独立前后政治体制的演变”、“华盛顿和美国宪法”、“第二次产业革命与垄断资本主义的形成”、“略论当代美国史学研究之演进”(合作)、“浅论美国多元文化主义”、“试论20世纪初的美国太平洋扩张战略”、“试论美国文化多元性的成因与特征”“美国多元文化成因再探索”、“两次全球化高潮比较研究”等数十篇。曾开设“世界近代史”、“美国历史”、“美国史专题讲座”、“美国移民与文化”与“世界史通论”等课程。多次赴美国、香港、日本等地参加国际学术交流活动和合作研究项目。 Born May 2nd, 1941 in Shanghai. The ancestral home is Zhejiang Shangyu. East China Normal University professor of history, doctoral tutor. He also serves as executive director of the American American History Research Association, director of the Shanghai World History Research Association, and director of the Shanghai International Friends Research Association. In 1967, graduated from the history department of East China Normal University. She has taught at East China Normal University since 1978. From 1982 to 1984, he was sent to the United States Virginia State University (VPT&SU) to study American history; from 1992 to 1993, he was a senior visiting scholar at Fulbright in the US to study at the Grinnell College. Author of “Washington Criticism”, “United States History Outline: From the Colony to the Superpower”, “The First President of the United States, Washington”, etc.; Editor-in-Chief of “Hundred Classics Influencing History”, “20th Century World Expo (Volume One)” (Executive Deputy Editor), “General History of the United States” (Liu Xuzheng, Chief Editor Yang Shengmao), Volume IV, “The Rise and Expansion of the United States: 1898-1929” (Editor-in-Chief Editing); Hosting Translation (English) Roberts Ten Volumes “World Civilization General History (one of the heads of the translation team). Published the paper ”Evolution of the Political System Before and After Independence of the United States“, ”Constitution of Washington and the United States“, ”Formation of the Second Industrial Revolution and Monopoly Capitalism“, ”Study on Evolution of Contemporary American Historiography Research“ (Cooperation), and ”A Brief Discussion “American Multiculturalism”, “On the Strategy of US Pacific Expansion at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century”, “On the Causes and Characteristics of Cultural Diversity in the United States,” “Re-exploring the Causes of Multiculturalism in the United States,” and “Comparative Studies on the Two Climaxes of Globalization”, etc. Dozens of articles. He has also taught courses in the “Modern History of the World,” “American History,” “U.S. History Talks,” “American Immigration and Culture,” and “General Theory of World History.” Many times went to the United States, Hong Kong, Japan and other places to participate in international academic exchange activities and cooperative research projects.
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