陈毅司令员的政治军事报告 七月十五日在华东军政委员会第二次全体委员会议上

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饶主席、各位委员、各位同志:华东军政委员会第一次全体会议是在今年二日初举行的,迄今已五个月。五个月来我们国家情况已开始好转,主要表现在军事发展迅速基本上解放了大陆,为了国家建设的需要,使军事上的部份复员有开始的可能。严重的打击了美帝国主义和蒋匪帮所策动的特务土匪活动,基本上巩固了国内治安,开始建立了社会秩序。有计划地有成效地克服了灾荒,广泛地救济了几千万农村灾民,和数十万城市失业工人。这样大大增进了中国人民内部的团结;中国人民内部的关系,开始在全国范围内进入友爱互助协商团结的伟大的新阶段。特别是全国财经统一,国家收支接近平衡和物价稳定,其成绩最为显著。在一个经过多年战争破坏,又像我们中国这样大的国家里,短短期内能获得如此重大的财经成就,乃是目前政治生活中的最重大事件。证明毛主席和中央人民政府领导的正确。证明新中国正走向兴旺和日益壮大。更可预言全中国将近五万万人民在毛主席和中央人民政 Chairman Rao, Members and Comrades: The first plenary session of the East China Military and Political Committee was held early this year and it has been for five months. In the past five months, the situation in our country has started to improve. The main manifestation is that basically the rapid military development has basically liberated the mainland and the military democratization may be started for the needs of nation building. Seriously attacking the special bandits and bandits instigated by the U.S. imperialists and the Chiang Kai-shek gang have basically consolidated their internal security and started the establishment of a social order. Systematically and effectively overcame the famine, extensively saved tens of millions of rural victims and unemployed workers in hundreds of thousands of cities. This has greatly enhanced the internal unity of the Chinese people. The internal relations among the Chinese people have begun to enter a great new stage of friendship, solidarity and solidarity across the country. In particular, the national financial and economic unity, the state balance of payments and price stability, the most significant achievements. In a country that has been damaged by many years of war and like China, it is the most significant event in political life that has achieved such a significant financial success in a short period of time. Proving Chairman Mao and the Central People’s Government’s leadership is correct. Proving that New China is going to prosperity and growing. It is even more predictable that nearly half a million people in China are under Chairman Mao and the Central People’s Government
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