
来源 :云南地理环境研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:irugi
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嘉义海岸平原形成于晚更新世,海岸线的变迁与海水进退相对应,近三百多年来整体呈向西推移约6km。明末清初,本区海岸线最深可抵龟子港、安溪寮一带,北边的荷苞屿大潭可深入鹿草一带。河流输沙造成海岸逐渐淤积并向西推移,二十世纪以来,海埔地大量围垦成鱼塘或盐田.更加速海岸线的西移。综合朴子、八掌二溪河道变迁的成因与形态,大致归纳成曲流作用、主流淤塞及河道延伸等三类型。根据文献记载推论,八掌溪河道变迁幅度最大,自十七世纪清初以来,至少有四次的改道,南北摆幅达20km,其原因多为主流淤塞所造成。河口的堆积造成河道逐渐向西伸展,总计1904至1990年问,朴子溪及八掌溪分别延伸869m及1975m。海岸平原地区向为人口稠密地带,地形变迁与人类生活息息相关,地形变迁研究正可提供为土地规划与开发利用的参考。 The Chia-Yi coastal plain formed in the late Pleistocene. The change of the coastline corresponds to the advance and retreat of the sea water. The whole coastline of the Chiayi Coast moved westwards by about 6 km in the past three hundred years. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, the deepest coastline in this area can be reached by the port of Kashiwazaki and Anxiliao. Coastal sedimentation caused by sediment transport in the river gradually silted up and moved westward. Since the 20th century, a large number of sea turtles have been reclaimed into fish ponds or salt fields, accelerating the coastline westward. Based on the causes and forms of the changes of Puzi and Bazhang Erxi rivers, they are generally classified into three types: meandering, mainstream silting and river channel extension. According to the corollary of the literature, the river of Bazhangxi has the largest change, and at least four times of diversions have been carried out since the early 17th century, and the amplitude of the north-south swing has reached 20km. The accumulation of estuaries caused the watercourse to gradually extend westwards. As a total of 1904 to 1990, Puzi River and Badaling River extended for 869m and 1975m, respectively. Coastal plain areas to densely populated areas, the terrain changes and human life is closely related to the study of terrain changes can provide land for planning and development and utilization of reference.
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<正> 秋瑾(1879—1907),原名秋国瑾,字璿卿,别号竞雄,自署“鉴湖女侠”,浙江绍兴人,是辛亥革命时期著名的女革命家。1904年,她积极参加革命活动,并于次年先后加入光复会与同盟会。1906年,她在上海筹资创办了《中国女报》,提倡女权,宣传革命,成为
畸胎瘤原发于生殖细胞 ,是卵巢常见肿瘤之一。我院统计自 1990年— 1997年共诊治卵巢畸胎瘤 132例 ,占同期卵巢肿瘤的 34 %。现将临床发病情况及病理分类分析如下。1 发病年