山西日报把农业宣传放在首位 ——为力争今年好收成贡献力量

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山西日报根据党的八届九中全会提出的关于集中力量加强农业战线,全党全民大办农业、大办粮食,力争今年的农业有个好收成的方针,组织农业报道。报纸首先把农业宣传放在了第一位,从内容、版面、标题、口号等各个方面,显示大办农业的气氛和声势。一九六○年十二月,山西日报提出了“农业早准备,各业早支援”的口号,并且开辟了一个《大办农业书信往来》的专栏,连续发表了编辑部给农村人民公社和各行各业的信,解释农业为基础的意义,指出做好春耕准备的十项工作,号召各行各业支援农业。这些书信的发表,对广大农民群众直接起到了动员的作用,并且得到了各行各业、特别是工人群众的响应。目前,除了报道部分地区开始春耕、播种早春作物之外,报纸连续地一个个地宣传备耕中的十件事。 Shanxi Daily According to the guidelines put forward by the 9th Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Party for concentrating on strengthening the agricultural frontline, carrying out agricultural work extensively throughout the entire party and promoting large-scale food, and striving for a good harvest for this year’s agriculture, we organized agricultural coverage. The newspaper first placed agricultural propaganda in the first place and showed the atmosphere and momentum of agriculture from the aspects of content, layout, title, slogan and other aspects. In December 1960, Shanxi Daily put forward the slogan “Early Agriculture, Early Support for All Industries,” and opened up a column entitled “Doing Agricultural Correspondence and Communication”. The editorial department was continuously published as a report to the Rural People’s Communes and The letter from all walks of life, explaining the significance of agriculture as the foundation, pointed out that we should make dozens of preparations for spring plowing and urged all walks of life to support agriculture. The publication of these letters directly played a mobilization role for the majority of peasant masses and was responded by all walks of life, especially the working masses. At present, in addition to reporting that some areas have begun to carry out spring plowing and sowing early spring crops, the newspapers have continuously announced ten pieces of prepared plow in succession.