In 2004, the overall economic situation in China was optimistic. Many enterprises are holding their breath to seize the opportunity this year so that they will take the enterprises to a new level. Therefore, they have started to plan new strategic plans and business plans. Today, the market is there, the direction is clear, and the rest should be done in a down-to-earth manner. However, at the very beginning of the war, many employers turned to internal human resources to find out when there were so few people available. In the meantime, they just caught up with the spring season when the flow of people was the most frequent. Therefore, “brain drain” has become a “sensitive” and “sad” topic that many enterprises are unwilling to face and have to face. One side is as suffering from a pandemic, the company's internal staff one after another funeral; one side is torn at the job fair, the staff outside the sharpened have to drill inside the enterprise. In the face of such a scene, how to determine the business leaders, is “release” or “into”? Is big out? Is painstakingly retained, sighed with regret? Or open-minded, homeopathic?