Non-destructive γ spectrum analysis of polymetallic nodules from the eastern Pacific

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shshay
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Non-destructive 7 spectrum analyses of 20 polymetallic nodules from the eastern Pacificwere carried out. Numerous nuclides, such as 238U,230Th,226Ra,210Pb,228Ra,228Th,235U,227Ac (or 231 Pa) and 40K were detected. The count rates of the nuclides in the top or bottom side of nodules facing detector were measured and the ratio R of the count rates of nuclides in the top and the bottom sides was obtained. From counts and ratios, some useful information relating to the growth and movement of the nodules, the source of nuclide and relationship between those and environment can be gotten. A new method for clear distinction between the top and bottom sides of the nodule based on the R value of 226Ra or 210Pb was developed. In addition, one can infer the turnover of nodules according to the R value of 230Th. Non-destructive 7 spectrum analyzes of 20 polymetallic nodules from the eastern Pacificwere carried out. Numerous nuclides, such as 238U, 230Th, 226Ra, 210Pb, 228Ra, 228Th, 235U, 227Ac of the nuclides in the top or bottom side of nodules facing the detector were measured and the ratio R of the count rates of nuclides in the top and the bottom sides was obtained. the nodules, the source of nuclide and relationship between those and environments can be gotten. A new method for clear distinction between the top and bottom sides of the nodule based on the R value of 226Ra or 210Pb was developed. In addition, one can infer the turnover of nodules according to the R value of 230Th.
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