
来源 :中国病原生物学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytxiaokang
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目的 了解和掌握2006-2015年江苏省人群土源性线虫病的流行动态和规律,为后续制定防治策略提供科学依据. 方法 收集整理2006-2015年期间全省土源性线虫病监测、驱虫服药及改水改厕资料,并对人群感染率、感染度、人群驱虫服药及农村改水改厕情况进行分析统计.土源性线虫病监测按照《江苏省土源性线虫病监测方案(试行)》的要求进行,监测虫种包括钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫和蛲虫,对象为3周岁以上的常住居民,检测方法为改良加藤厚涂片法(一粪三检),12岁以下儿童蛲虫卵检查采用透明胶纸肛拭法. 结果 2006-2015年全省累计调查1 086 029人,共查出土源性线虫感染11 409人,平均感染率为1.05%.人群总感染率从2.79%(2006年)下降到0.18%(2015年),呈逐年下降趋势,差异有统计学意义(x2=5692.86,P<0.01),其中蛔虫、钩虫、鞭虫感染率分别从1.37%、1.04%、0.37%降至0.10%、0.06%、0.01%,降幅分别达92.37%、94.23%和97.3%;2006-2015年,阳性患者多重感染比例由4.87%降至0.97%,降幅为80.08%.2010年后,各虫种的感染者主要为轻度感染.2006-2015年,累计调查幼儿园及小学低年级儿童(12岁以下)1 024 612人,共查出蛲虫感染阳性儿童12 578人,平均感染率为1.23%.感染率从2006年的2.35%降至2015年的0.31%,感染率呈逐年下降趋势,差异有统计学意义(x2=3416.58,P<0.01).2006-2015年全省累计驱虫服药22 464 814人次,累计33 105人发生副反应,副反应率为0.15%.2014年末,农村自来水普及率达99.1%.2015年江苏省无害化卫生厕所覆盖率已提升至87.52%. 结论 2006-2015年以来江苏省人群土源性线虫感染率大幅下降,目前已处于较低的流行水平,后续的防控措施应在加强土源性线虫病监测的基础上,进一步实施健康教育、农村改水改厕及环境卫生整治等综合防治措施,巩固江苏省土源性线虫病防控取得的成效.“,”Objective To investigate trends in human infection with soil-transmitted nematodes in Jiangsu Province from 2006 to 2015 in order to provide evidence for the formulation of prevention and control strategies..Methods Data on surveillance of human infection with soil-transmitted nematodes,use of anthelmintics,and improvement of water and sanitation in rural areas of Jiangsu Province were collected from 2006 to 2015,and the human rate of infection,infection intensity,usage of anthelmintics,and status of water and sanitation improvement were analyzed.Surveillance of soiltransmitted nematodes was conducted in accordance with the Jiangsu Provincial Monitoring Project (Trial).Surveilled nematodes included Ancylostoma duodenale,Ascaris lumbricoides,Trichuris trichiura,and Enterobius vermicularis.Fecal samples were collected from residents age 3 years or older every year.Intestinal helminth eggs were detected using the Kato-Katz technique (each sample was checked three times).E.vermicularis eggs were detected using the cellophane tape method for children under the age of 12.Results From 2006 to 2015,samples were collected from a total of 1 086 029 residents of Jiangsu Province.Of those,11,409 tested positive for infection with an intestinal helminth,and the average rate of infection was 1.05 %.The rate of human infection with an intestinal helminth decreased significantly each year (x2 =5692.86,P<0.01),with a rate of 2.79% in 2006 and a rate of 0.18% in 2015.The rate of infection with A.lumbricoides decreased from 1.37% to 0.10% (a decrease of 92.37%),the rate of infection with A.duodenale decreased from 1.04% to 0.06% (a decrease of 94.23%),and the rate of infection with T.trichiura decreased from 0.37% to 0.01% (a decrease of 97.3%).The rate of multiple infections decreased from 4.87% to 0.97% (a decrease of 80.08 %).Since 2010,most cases involved a mild infection.From 2006 to 2015,12,578 of 1 024,612 children under the age of 12 were infected with E.vermicularis,and the average rate of infection was 1.23%.The rate of infection decreased significantly over time (x2 =3416.58,P<0.01) from 2.35% in 2006 to 0.31% in 2015 (a decrease of 86.81%).Over the 10 years studied,22 464 814 residents had an anthelmintic.An adverse reaction occurred in 33 105 cases (0.15 %).Prior to 2014,99.1% of rural areas of Jiangsu Province had running water,and the percentage of the province served by sanitary toilets increased to 87.52% in 2015.Conclusion From 2006 to 2015,the rate of human infection with soil-transmitted nematodes in Jiangsu Province decreased significantly and remained at a low level.To consolidate the achievements of soil-transmitted nematode prevention and control efforts in Jiangsu Province,surveillance of soil-transmitted nematodes should be enhanced.Health education should be provided,water and sanitation should be improved in rural areas,and environmental hygiene should be improved in rural areas in the near future.