患儿逢××女38天于1989年8月出生,生后第4天发现患儿“双眼流脓”,曾经在当地医院诊断为“结膜炎”,用“氯霉素眼药水”点眼。治疗近1个月未见好转.患儿父母经检查均发现有淋病。来院时患儿哭闹不止,双眼红肿,睁不开眼,流出带腥味的脓性分泌物.双眼睑高度肿胀,双睑裂部及结膜囊内可见大量淡黄色脓性分泌物。除去分泌物后,见结膜充血,水肿((?))。右角膜6点处近瞳孔区可见6×6mm 灰白色混浊区,局部角膜组织坏死,中央部
Children every day ×× female 38 days in August 1989 was born, 4 days after birth found in children with “pus in both eyes”, once diagnosed in the local hospital as “conjunctivitis”, “chloramphenicol eye drops” eye. Treatment of nearly 1 month did not improve children with the examination found that gonorrhea. Children crying to the hospital more than when the eyes were inflamed, eyes open, with a sour discharge of purulent secretions .Eyelid swelling, blepharophimosis and conjunctival sac visible a large number of yellow purulent secretions. After removal of secretions, see conjunctival hyperemia, edema ((?)). Right corneal 6:00 near pupil area visible 6 × 6mm gray white cloudy area, local corneal tissue necrosis, the central part