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档案执法是指档案行政管理机关依照国家有关档案工作的法律、法规对档案事务进行的检查、监督。其目的是依靠法律手段规范档案工作,从法律上保障档案事业的发展;档案业务指导是依据档案事业发展的客观规律和档案学理论,通过制定档案工作规范和标准来规范档案业务工作,从档案工作的业务环节上保障档案事业科学、健康发展。档案执法与业务指导都是档案行政管理机关的职能,二者在档案事业发展的不同阶段却有着不同的历史地位,起着不尽相同的作用。在当今条件下,正确处理好二者之间的关系,有利于把握工作重点,更好地促进档案事业的发展。《档案法》未颁布之前,档案管理机关管理档案工作的职能基本上靠业务指导工作来实现,有时虽然辅以行政干预,但这些政府意志基本上靠 File law enforcement refers to the archives administrative departments in accordance with the relevant archives work laws and regulations on archival matters for inspection and supervision. The purpose is to rely on legal means to standardize the work of archives and to protect the development of the archival work legally. According to the objective law of archival development and the theory of archives, archival business guidance regulates the archival work through the formulation of archival work norms and standards, Work in the business sector to protect the archives scientific and healthy development. File law enforcement and business guidance are the functions of the archives administrative organs. Both of them have different historical positions in different stages of the development of the archival career, playing different roles. In today’s conditions, the correct handling of the relationship between the two is conducive to grasp the focus of work to better promote the development of archives. Before the enactment of the “Archives Law”, the functions of the archives administration agencies in managing archives basically rely on the guidance of their work. Sometimes, although supplemented by administrative intervention, the will of the government basically depends on
城建档案是档案的重要组成部分,它是城市自 然面貌和城市建筑物、构筑物、地上和地下管线等各项建设的真实记录。城市建设档案是规划、建设、管理维护等工作的重要依据和凭证
如今,很多同学家里都购买了打印机,有许多还是彩色喷墨打印 机。喷墨打印机只要几百或一千多元就可以买到了,但是一 套正版墨盒的开销就是一两百元。这确实让很多同学
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“十一”歌声震九霄,东方崛起领风骚。多年四化攻关急,几代英雄创业豪!思往昔,望今朝,国富民强彩旗飘。山河壮丽城乡美,改革迎来华夏娇!鹧鸪天 祖国颂@赵仁 “Eleventh” s