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今年8月27日,是日本著名文学家宫泽贤治一百周年诞辰,日本又掀起了宫泽贤治研究的热潮。在去年的东京国际图书博览会上,筑摩书房就做了大量宣传,要以出版《宫泽贤治全集》来作纪念,前年立正大学还举办了国际研讨会,美国、德国、瑞典等国的专家均发表了研究成果。在人生道路上只行走了37年的宫泽贤治,热爱生活,热爱科学,多才多艺。他从中学时代就创作诗歌,并写了脍炙人口的童话。他当过教师,曾和学生一起演出过自编的戏剧;他不辞劳苦,亲自下地教农民科学种田。他的作品,至今仍广为传诵,诗作《不怕风雨》被编入了小学教材。纵观他的诗歌,可以发现他是以自己的心象素描,在现实中发现虚幻,又用这种虚幻反映现实。他善于用朴素的情感和简洁的言语表现深邃的哲理。他是日莲宗信徒,他那热爱大自然、尊重万物生灵的善心洋溢在诗歌和童话的字里行间。可以说,他的作品,是集文学、科学、宗教于一体的一个缩影。现选译四首,以飨读者。 August 27 this year, is the birth anniversary of the famous Japanese writer Miyazawa Kenji, Japan has set off a wave of Kenji Miyazawa study. At the Tokyo International Book Fair last year, there was a great deal of publicity about the study of Chome. To commemorate the publication of “Complete Collection of Miyazawa Miyazawa”, two years ago, Ritsumeishi University also held international seminars and experts from the United States, Germany, Sweden and other countries All published research results. Miyazawa Kenji, who has only walked 37 years on the road to life, loves life, loves science and is versatile. He wrote poetry from middle school and wrote a popular fairy tale. He had been a teacher and had staged a self-made drama with his students. He worked tirelessly and personally taught peasants how to grow science. His works are still widely read, poetry “not afraid of the storm,” was incorporated into the primary school textbooks. Throughout his poetry, we can find out that he is using his own sketch of heart to discover illusion in reality and reflect the reality with this illusion. He is good at expressing deep philosophies with simple emotions and succinct words. He is a disciple of Nichiren, and his kindness of loving nature and respecting the creatures of all things overflowed with the lines of poetry and fairy tales. It can be said that his work is a miniature of literature, science and religion. Now choose four translations to readers.
爱美的人士需要韵味,就应该在生活中拥有立体的美。在穿着打扮上面,女人的热情不知胜过男人多少倍,难怪有人说,衣 People who love beauty need charm, they should have th
6.1 浪漫主义作为一种创作风格和创作方法,古已有之,而作为一种文学思潮和文学运动,则产生于18世纪末的欧洲,并在19世纪最初30年内达到高潮。浪漫主义文学的基本特征是:(1)
Objective To investigate the effects and mechanism of Wilms’ tumor (WT1) antisense oligonucleotides (AS oligomers) on proliferation and apoptosis in meyloid
编辑同志: 我教学医院于1995年3月以来对47例不完全性肠道梗阻的大肠癌患者在手术前肠道准备中,采用家用保温瓶配制5%甘露醇2000毫升行全肠道灌洗,均取得了满意效果。现报告