
来源 :早期教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hong_77521
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1983年,由南京师范大学学前教育研究室和南京市实验幼儿园合作开展的“幼儿园综合主题课程”研究是我国幼儿园课程改革和发展中的一个里程碑,它不仅改变了人们固有的课程观、教学观,而目还改变了人们的儿童观和教育观;不仅回归了儿童在课程形成和实施中的主体地位,而且还提高了课程对儿童发展的适宜性和价值,并在课程建构和实施的过程中,促进了教师自身专业化能力和水平的不断发展。 在纪念幼儿园综合教育研究二十年之际,我们组织并刊登以下三篇文章,对我国幼儿园综合教育的发展及研究成果作一简单的回顾和总结。 幼儿园课程改革历来是幼儿园教育改革和发展的突破口和核心,而课程研究的过程也始终是一个动态的、持续发展的过程。综合课程的研究和发展还有很长的路要走。 In 1983, the research on Comprehensive Kindergarten Curriculum conducted by Nanjing Normal University Preschool Education Laboratory and Nanjing Experimental Kindergarten was a milestone in the reform and development of our kindergarten curriculum. It not only changed people’s inherent view of curriculum and teaching , But also changed people’s view of children and education; not only returned to children’s dominant position in curriculum formation and implementation, but also improved the suitability and value of curriculum for children’s development, and in the course of curriculum construction and implementation process In the promotion of teachers’ professional ability and level of continuous development. In commemoration of twenty years of comprehensive education in kindergarten, we organized and published the following three articles to make a brief review and summary of the development and research results of our comprehensive education in kindergartens. Kindergarten curriculum reform has always been a breakthrough and core of Kindergarten education reform and development, and the course of curriculum research has always been a dynamic and sustainable development process. Comprehensive course of research and development is still a long way to go.
介绍一种QT25型塔机用新型起升机构,单速电机传动方案,采用电磁摩擦离合器控制的变速器换档变速,并对其传动性能与结构进行了分析并作了动态换档试验。 This paper introduc
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我是水,我的化学名字叫H2O,我是蓝天中的一朵朵白云,我是一望无际的大海,我是奔腾不息的江河,我是冬天片片雪花,我是鲜花上的晨露,我是……地球有了我,才变得生机 I am wate