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规范处罚行为三题卓龙华一、把握行政裁量的度由于违反工商行政管理规范行为的性质、情节及社会危害程度的参差不一,相对人所承担的责任后果亦应据此相别。但行政处罚的设定不可能穷尽每一种情形的违法行为并规定不同的不容弹性的处罚标准,行政处罚的设定机关通常采取归... Standardize the three penalties Zhuo Longhua First, grasp the degree of administrative discretion Because of violations of the nature of business administration norms, circumstances and the degree of social harm varies, the relative responsibility of the consequences should be based on this distinction. However, the setting of administrative penalties can not exhaust all kinds of illegal activities and provide different non-flexible standards of punishment, the establishment of administrative penalties are usually taken to ...
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