
来源 :中学生英语·高一、二版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abdusamat128
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  1. One Side of the Case
  A judge asked our group of potential jurors(陪审员) whether anyone should be excused, and one man raised his hand.
  “I can’t hear out of my left ear,” the man told the judge.
  “Can you hear out of your right ear?” the judge asked. The man nodded his head.
  “You’ll be allowed to serve on the jury,” the judge declared. “We only listen to one side of the case at a time.”
  2. Early Shopper
  It was Christmas and the judge was in a benevolent mood as he questioned the prisoner. “What are you charged with?”he asked.
  “Doing my Christmas shopping early,” replied the defendant.
  “That’s no offense,” replied the judge, “How early were you doing this shopping?”
  “Before the store opened,” countered the prisoner.
  3. I Didn’t Know That I Was So Far Back Already!
  A big battle was going on during the First World War. Guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about everywhere. After an hour of this, one of the soldier decided that the fighting was getting too dangerous for him, so he left the front line and began to go away from the battle. After he had walked for an hour, he saw an officer coming towards him. The officer stopped him and said, “Where are you going?”
  “I’m trying to get as far away as possible from the battle that’s going on behind us, sir.” the soldier answered.
  “Do you know who I am?” the officer said to him angrily. “I’m your commanding officer.”
  The soldier was very surprised when he heard this and said, “My God, I didn’t know that I was so far back already!”
  4. A Trip to Disney
  On a trip to Disney World in Florida, my husband and I and our two children devoted ourselves wholeheartedly to the wonders of this attraction. After three exhausting days, we headed for home.
  As we drove away, our son waved and said, “Good-bye, Mickey.”
  Our daughter waved and said, “Good-bye, Minnie.”
  My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, “Good-bye, Money.”
梧桐,想不到你跟抚子一样,也在春暖花开的季节离开。只是抚子给亚梦留下了承诺,而你却自私地只丢给我那美好的回忆。  ——送梧桐    你说你叫梧桐,是“寂寞梧桐锁清秋”的“梧桐”。你说你喜欢淡淡的伤感,淡淡的惆怅,淡淡的快乐,淡淡的喧嚣,淡淡的清香,淡淡的……于是,我认识了你,那个忧伤的快乐男孩。  记得那一年,我们沉迷于唐诗宋词元曲明清小说等古今中外各类文学名著。也许真的是“酒逢知己千杯少”吧,我
总有那么一段时间,文字在心跳面前显得苍白。就像海洋性气候,忽然而至的大雨就在阳光灿烂的一秒后。一切诡异的变幻起因都只是某天百无聊赖在白纸上乱涂乱画不经意间留下的名字。仿佛突然知道了自己的秘密,心里刚刚生出的枝节把心脏猛刮了一下,莫名其妙地疼痛。  于是就这样开始逃避妈妈的目光,因为总是觉得,这样直白的对视是会泄露心底的秘密的。她总有这样的本事,一次小小的注视,就会让我不自觉地感到不安,仿佛写在那本
1. The philosophies of Shanghai Expo are understanding, communication, together-ness and cooperation.  上海世博会的理念是:理解、沟通、欢聚、合作。  2. The secondary themes of Shanghai Expo are: multi-cultural integration,
【新目标英语七年级(上)期中综合复习题】  1~5 ACBAB6~10 BACCA11~15 CBCBA 16~20 BCAAC21~25 CABBC26~30 BACBA 31~35 CBCAC  36. like 37. at school 38. class  39. football player 40. healthy  41. 在房间我能看见一张桌子。  42. What’s on t
我永远爱着的爸爸:  在我面对空白的文档打下你的称谓的时候,心中有些酸涩。我想也许在我经历过的所有事里最美好的就是观察四季和拥有你吧。如果在四季中选择一个季节来形容你的爱,秋天应该很贴切,你对我的爱是那种即使裹着衣服也还是会感觉到的一直渗透到皮肤里一直蔓延到心房的爱。  落落说他的爸爸其实是躲藏在人群里的魔法师,为了落落,他卑微地做着小职员,拿着可怜的薪水生活,卑微地穿梭在车水马龙的街头,卑微地在
5月23日,是我在Inman Middle School学习生活的最后一天.rn这天,学校在体育馆举行毕业典礼.前一天,学校通知这个庄重的日子,所有人都要dress up(穿上盛装).学校还给每个学生