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<正> 时常翻看报纸,忽然发现“一直以来”的使用频率多起来,比如:①《中国青年报》(2000年7月8日第3版):“一直以来,我认为《婚姻法》里规定的结婚年龄,实在太早”②《女子世界》(1999年第11期):“王馨平一直以来非常看重内地市场,但宝丽金公司使她平添许多遗憾”③《中邮专送广告》(河北省邮政局主办,2000年7月24日):“一直以来,平安人以精湛的工艺,优良的品质,使每件家具永远保持完美无缺,为您的家居生活、工作空间,创造出更美好更舒适的环境。”“一直以来”的说法,大有流行于天下的趋势
Objective Tricuspid valve reconstruction was advocated as the operative method for the treatment of tricus-pid valve endocarditis recently. Many people accept t
Hemangiomas and hepatic metastases are the leading reasons of echogenic masses on ultrasound (US) evaluation of the liver. Lipomas of the liver are extremely ra
Study design: The authors report on a clear cell meningioma (CCM) of the sacrum revealed 17 years after a removal of a spinal lesion. A review of 29 spinal CCM
<正> 《红楼梦》作为古典文学的杰作,我们从中学习的方面很多很多。下面仅撷取两例,来体味《红楼梦》精湛无比的修辞艺术。一、巧用仿词明快犀利在现成词语的比照下,更换词语
Background: The success of antiretroviral therapy requires better virological monitoring. We described the virological profile of patients on combined antiretro
Background: Blunt traumatic cervical spine fractures (TCSF) are serious injuries which may be associated with considerable mortality and morbidity. We describe