故宫博物院建院八十周年 举办中国当代名家书画展

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一百九十九幅当代名家书画作品十月九日起在故宫博物院分两批公开展出,此举意味着故宫博物院今后将在收藏、展示、研究中国古代书画的同时,积极推动当代中国书画的收藏、展示和研究,从而不断扩大故宫的珍藏。作为故宫建院八十周年系列庆典活动的一部分,十月九日在故宫神武门城楼展厅开幕的中国当代名家书画展,展品中既包括李可染、李苦禅、等已故名家家属捐献的精品,也有秦岭云、娄师白、沈鹏、欧阳中石等当代书画名家的力作,还有饶宗颐、马寿华、刘国松、何怀硕、周澄等港台书画名家的佳构。中华人民共和国文化部副部长、故宫博物院院长郑欣淼在《纪念故宫博物院建院八十周年·中国当代名家书画》一书前言中说作为故宫博物院院庆活动的一项重要内容,举办“纪念故宫博物院建院八十周年·中国当代名家书画展”表 Nine hundred and nineteen contemporary famous paintings and calligraphies will be on display in two separate batches at the National Palace Museum from October 9, a move that means the National Palace Museum will collect, display and study ancient Chinese paintings and calligraphy at the same time and actively promote contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy Collection, display and research, thus expanding the collection of the Forbidden City. As part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Forbidden City, the Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition opened on October 9 in the Pavilion of the Forbidden City’s Shenwumen Pavilion includes not only works bestowed by deceased famous families such as Li Keran and Li Kuchan, but also Qinling Clouds, Lou Shi Bai, Shen Peng, Ouyang Zhongshi and other contemporary masterpieces of calligraphy and painting, as well as Rao Zongyi, Ma Shouhua, Liu Guosong, He Huai-seok, Zhou Cheng Hong Kong and Taiwan painting and calligraphy famous architecture. Zheng Xinmiao, vice minister of the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and the president of the National Palace Museum, said in his foreword that “the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the National Palace Museum, Chinese contemporary masters of painting and calligraphy,” as an important part of the celebration of the celebration of the National Palace Museum, The Eightieth Anniversary of the Founding of the National Palace Museum Chinese contemporary famous calligraphy and painting exhibition "table
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