岁月童话 麦克·德安东尼同劳蕾尔的静好时光

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在NBA的世界里,恐怕再没有哪对夫妇生活比麦克·德安东尼和劳蕾尔·德安东尼更加丰富多彩了——这位66岁的现任火箭主帅,他跟小自己8岁的妻子一起,已经牵手共同走过31个春秋,这期间,劳蕾尔见证过德安东尼所有的辉煌、得意,还有失落瞬间,并且始终是丈夫身边“最佳贤内助”。而如今,这对珠婚伉俪正准备在休城开启全新生活第二季,他们之间的美丽童话故事,也依然在继续书写下去。 In the NBA, I’m afraid no couple will ever live a much richer life than Michael D’Antoni and Laurier D’Antoni - the 66-year-old current Rockets coach who, along with his 8-year-old wife, Has been hand in hand through the 31 Spring and Autumn Period, during this period, Laurier witnessed all the brilliant D’Antoni, proud, there are moments of loss, and has always been her husband “best wife ”. Today, however, the betrothed couple are preparing to open a whole new life in the city in the second quarter. The beautiful fairy tales between them are still being written down.
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