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  At age seven, Gideon Gidori knew exactly what he wanted to be: a spaceship pilot.
  The only thing was, he was living in a tiny Tanzanian village where schools only went through grade six and books about space were scarce.
  But that didn’t stop him. Now 15, Gidori is determined to become Tanzania’s very first astronaut.
  Gidori has always been fascinated with the stars and spent his boyhood nights staring at the clear skies above his hometown. “I think there is much more up there than there is down here, and I want to know what that is,” he says. When he becomes an astronaut, he hopes his first stop will be the moon—one of Jupiter’s moons, that is.
  “They say that on Europa, there’s life,”he says. “I want to be part of the crew that investigates it.”
  With the help of Epic Change, his dream isn’t just wishful thinking. The nonprofit, which raises money for education and technology, gave him a scholarship to study in the U.S. This May, Gidori completed his first year of flight-training school at Florida Air Academy.
  To finance his next school year, he’s using the allure of potato salad. Tanzanian astronaut potato salad, to be exact.
  Inspired by the entrepreneur who raised more than $60,000 to make potato salad on Kickstarter, Gidori and his host family—Epic Change co-founders Sanjay Patel and Stacey Monk—are using the online platform to raise $35,000 to cover tuition and fees for next year. On their Kickstarter page, the trio has promised to throw the “greatest potato salad party in Tanzanian history” the day Gidori lifts off into space for the first time.
  And the Tanzanian teen means it; he already has an experimental recipe in the works. As of July 22nd, a little more than $12,000 has been raised on Kickstarter and Rally.org.
  Patel says Gidori was a precocious kid, even when they first met in 2007.
  He did well at school, despite limited resources. Because there was only one textbook for the entire class, lessons often consisted of copying notes from the board and memorizing them. Outside of school, Gidori says he went from library to library, reading the few books they had on space, science and astronauts.
  He also learned how to be resourceful. Take soccer, for example. “Back at home, if you didn’t have a ball, you would literally take plastic bags, paper and socks to make one,” he says. “Nothing would stop them from playing.”
  And nothing will stop him from pursuing his goal. “Just watching him grow, I have no doubt in my mind that that’s what he’s going to be,” Patel says.   Last summer, Monk pulled Gidori out of class and delivered the piece of news that put him a giant leap closer to Jupiter’s moon. Florida Air Academy had accepted him, and Epic Change had awarded him a scholarship to cover part of his costs.
  “It was so amazing that I couldn’t believe it for a second,” Gidori says. “But it was real.”
  Without a visa, he wouldn’t be able to go. And he only had a month to get one. He rode a bus for eight hours to reach the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam. “We got his visa maybe two or three days before he had to report to school,” Monk says.
  Money was another issue; Patel and Monk still had to figure out a way to cover the rest of the tuition. In the end, the pair used what would have been their own salary to pay Gidori’s school fees.
  By fall, Gidori had left a world where textbooks were rare and entered an environment where every student had to have an iPad—and expectations were high.
  His limited English meant he had to keep his iPad and notebook nearby, looking up words he didn’t know and writing down the definitions.
  Gidori learned the hard way that there were no more easy A’s. In Tanzania, 81 was a top grade. He got a 79 on a biology test at the academy and was told that wasn’t good enough. When Monk told him he needed at least a 90, he insisted he couldn’t do it.
  “He would say, ‘I can’t read a novel. That’s a lot of English. I’ve never done that before,’” says Monk, “or, ‘I can’t get an A on my biology test.’”
  But sure enough, Gidori earned straight A’s by the end of the year. When he felt discouraged, he’d think of those who’ve supported him: “My country, my continent, my family and friends—I don’t want to disappoint them. I want to make them proud.”
  And Gidori is serious about potato salad. He was reluctant to say what was in his recipe, but after a little prodding, he gave up one secret ingredient—a special spice made from Tanzanian ginger. If you’re as curious as I am about the taste, he’s willing to trade his experimental recipe for a bit of support.
  在“巨变”这个为教育和技术提供筹款的非营利机构的帮助下,他的梦想并非痴心妄想。该机构为他提供了一笔到美国学习的奖学金。今年5月,吉多里在佛罗里达空军学校完成了飞行训练学校的第一年学习。   为了筹集下一年的学费,他使出了土豆沙拉的诱惑。确切地说,是坦桑尼亚宇航员做的土豆沙拉。
摘 要:国家统编《道德与法治》教材已经走进课堂。深刻理解课程名称的改变,才能正确贯彻“以德治国”“依法治国”大政方针;采取何种教学策略,关系到综合性活动课的质量;思考如何培养学生的核心素养,是适应新的教育形势的必然选择。  关键词:小学《道德与法治》;课堂教学;教学策略;核心素养  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2019)01-0050-03  教材体现着
摘要:超越传统教学的定位,从诗人个人情感与中国节日文化的融合处解读《九月九日忆山东兄弟》,能感觉到王维对于健康、吉祥、团圆生活的思念与渴望。放大这个文化视角,能够为教者与学者开启一扇门打开一扇窗,更加高品质地享受中国古诗文。  关键词:小学语文;七颗钻石;美好愿望;艺术构想  中图分类号:G623.23  文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010x(2012)06-0031-02  听来难以置信
摘 要:绘本教学可以将图片与文字相结合,不仅能够对文中的文字进行解释,还可以帮助学生直观地了解故事情节。在小学英语教学中巧妙运用绘本具有深远意义。构建高效、趣味的英语课堂,以此来增强学生的英语学习积极性。通过分析小学英语绘本教学的优势以及当前小学英语绘本教学中存在的问题,选择合适的绘本,构建情境、创新教学形式,科学引导、丰富阅读想象这三种途径,从而打造具有趣味性、高效的英语课堂,有效培养学生的英
摘 要:数学教学讲究科学,教师要读懂教材,读懂学生。数学教学要讲究艺术,教师要精心预设,努力创设轻松和谐的课堂氛围;巧妙设置问题,引导学生积极开展探究,依据学情,或深入浅出,或深入深出,从而达到精彩生成。  关键词:同课异构;数学教学;科学与艺术  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2015)20-0057-03  2014年12月,我有幸参加了秦皇岛市小学数
摘 要:教师的职责是“教书育人”,而“教书”和“育人”同等重要。在实际教学中,英语教师有责任将德育贯穿于课堂教学的过程之中,既教授英语学科知识,又要提升学生的道德品格修养。以爱国主义教育、学习雷锋精神、尊敬师长、环保教育、遵章守纪、责任担当六大方面为切入点,在小学英语教学实践中渗透德育。  关键词:小学英语;德育教学;情感渗透  中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0
“As I come over the hill, I hear the wood thrush singing his evening lay. This is the only bird whose note affects me like music, affects the flow and tenor of my thoughts, my fancy and imagination. I
摘 要:数学教学既要立足现实,让学生掌握一定的知识技能,又要关注长远,让学生在学习过程中获得数学的思想和思维方法。因此,在教学中,要创设问题情境;要开展合作学习;要关注学习过程。  关键词:小学数学;课堂改革;问题情境;合作学习;关注过程;可持续发展  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2015)05-0070-03  多年以后,放下数学课本,开始工作和独立生
我是一名多年在村完小任教高年级语文的教师,深感由于多种因素,导致在村小高年级语文课堂上,学生们似听非听、似练非练、似答非答的情况普遍存在。教师“一言堂”,学生无选择地记录,课堂气氛沉闷、压抑,如同一潭死水,教学效果不言而喻。那么,如何使这潭死水泛起微澜,乃至浪花朵朵,还语文课堂以生命的活力呢?笔者认为,教师应在“活”字上做文章。  一备足感性材料,采用形象教学  由于小学生抽象思维不够成熟,思维能
【摘 要】  新課改后,面对阅读量的增加,课时的压缩,构建校本专业学习需要高中英语教师们引入全新的教学理念,制定更高的教学目标。旨在培养学生、引领学生成为课堂的主体,提高综合能力,全面转变以往的教学观念,使学生的阅读能力、阅读效率得到真正的提高。这不仅是英语教学中至关重要的一个环节,更是高中英语教师面对新课改所必须承担和解决的一个重要难题。  【关键词】  高中英语新课改 专业学习 校本专业学习 
摘 要:目前,一些语文教师制订的教学目标不是凭经验笼统表述,就是照抄参考书,不能明确具体地描述学生“学什么”、“怎么学”、学得效果怎么样,更缺少对学生读写所需要的核心目标的具体描述,同时表述也不够规范。多年的教学实践表明,制订一组准确规范的教学目标应基于语文课程的总目标、兼顾学段目标、把握教材、关注学习需要等,同时表述要清楚,明确而具体。  关键词:教学目标;课程性质;规范表述  中图分类号:G6