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各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 为贯彻落实党的十六大和省委八届五次会议精神,进一步调整优化国有经济布局和结构,现就深化省属国有企业改革提出以下意见: 一、充分认识加快省属国有企业改革的重要性和紧迫性近年来,我省省属国有企业改革取得较大进展。国有大中型骨干企业初步建立起现代企业制度,形成了一批核心竞争能力强、发展前景好的大公司、大集团,一些长期亏损、扭亏无望的劣势及资源枯竭企业通过关闭破产等形式逐步退出市场,一些企业的不良资产、债务、办社会职能等历史包袱得到初步解决,市场竞争力有所增强。但从总体上看,省属国有企业改革滞后、投资主体单一、国有股比重过大、出资人不到位、法人治理结构不完善、历史负担沉重等问题比较突出。必须继续加大改革力度,建立出资人制度,实现投资主体多元化。这既是调整优化国有经济布局和结构、加快山东经济发展的必然要求,也是省属国有企业自身发展的迫切需要。 Municipal people’s government, counties (cities, districts) people’s government, provincial government departments, agencies directly under the major companies, institutions of higher learning: To implement the Party Congress and the Fifth Session of the Eighth Provincial Party Committee, to further Adjust and optimize the layout and structure of the state-owned economy, and now put forward the following opinions on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises in the province: 1. Fully recognize the importance and urgency of accelerating the reform of provincial state-owned enterprises. In recent years, the provincial-owned enterprises in our province have made great progress in reforms. . The state-owned large and medium-sized backbone enterprises have initially established a modern enterprise system and formed a group of large companies and large groups with strong core competitiveness and good prospects for development. Some long-term losses, disadvantages of losing hope and resources exhaustion have gradually withdrawn through bankruptcy and other forms. In the market, historical burdens such as non-performing assets, debt, and social functions of some enterprises have been initially solved, and market competitiveness has been enhanced. However, on the whole, problems such as lagging state-owned enterprise reforms, single investment entities, excessively large proportion of state-owned shares, failure of capital contributors, imperfect corporate governance structures, and heavy historical burdens are prominent. We must continue to intensify reforms, establish a system of investors, and diversify the main investors. This is both an adjustment and optimization of the layout and structure of the state-owned economy and an inevitable requirement for accelerating Shandong’s economic development. It is also an urgent need for the development of the provincial state-owned enterprises themselves.
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在一个神秘的花谷里,住着一个叫卡斯特的小精灵,他贪玩又调皮,经常躲在花瓣下和妈妈捉迷藏。 In a mysterious valley of flowers, live an elf called Custer, he is playf
在学校里,不论玩何种游戏,我们这些孤儿总是轮在最后。棒球、足球甚至躲闪球都是如此。这和我们的高矮胖瘦、速度快慢无关,仅仅因为我们是孤儿吧? In school, no matter wha