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在刚闭幕的第十届全国人大第五次会议上,出现频率最高的词语就是民生,可以亳不夸张地说,民生已成为这次会议的主旋律。民生,最简单最朴素的解读就是——民众的生活。从孙中山提出“三民主义”——民族、民权、民生——这个中华民族为之奋斗的理想,经过无数仁人志士百年奋斗和流血牺牲,正在成为今天执政党明晰的目标和理念并逐步变为现实。这是经过30年的改革开放,国库日渐充盈,从让一部分人先富起来到让所有人都富起来惠泽亿万民众的亲民之举;也是当今分配差距拉大,社会不公等各类矛盾凸显,化淤清塞、促进社会和谐发展的明智之举。 At the just-concluded Fifth Plenary Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress, the most frequently occurring term is people’s livelihood. It is no exaggeration to say that people’s livelihood has become the theme of this conference. Livelihood, the simplest and most simple interpretation is - people’s lives. From the perspective of Sun Yat-sen, “Three Principles of the People” - nationality, civil rights and livelihood - are the ideals for this Chinese nation to strive for. After years of struggle and bloody sacrifice by countless people, they are becoming the clear goals and concepts of the ruling party today and are gradually becoming a reality. This is the result of 30 years of reform and opening up, the gradual filling of the national treasury, from letting some people get rich first and letting all people become rich and benefit the millions of people in the country. It is also a widening distribution gap and unfair social conflicts Highlighting, stasis, and promoting the harmonious development of society wise move.
汉字通用二类调查数据处理与信息系统N_2D p M已于9月7日在黑龙江省森林综合电子计算技术中心完成第一批实验外业数据处理。这批数据主要用于验证该软件的正确性、实用性和
This paper investigates the structure of a spin electromagnetic (EM) field and its various physical properties.A spin EM field is an intrinsic mode of free spac
Just ten years ago,I sat across the desk from a doctor with a stethoscope.“Yes,”he said,“there is a lesion in the left,upper lobe.You have amoderately advanc