
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nixiangtama
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Foreign body ingestion is frequent in children and generally associated with little morbidity. However, some foreign bodies are innocent when ingested as a single object, but may have harmful effect if numerous. We report a 9- year-old girl who swallowed 5 magnets, causing acute intestinal obstruction. At laparotomy, 2 magnets were found in the cecum and 3 in the transverse colon, attracting each other and clasping a segment of ileum in between, causing a complete obstruction of the small intestine. If numerous magnets are ingested, particular concern is advised, and if signs of intestinal distress develop, prompt laparotomy to prevent serious gastrointestinal complications should be performed. However, some foreign bodies are innocent when ingested as a single object, but may have harmful effects if numerous. We report a 9- year-old girl who swallowed 5 magnets, causing lancing of acute intestinal obstruction. Two patients were found in the cecum and 3 in the transverse colon, attracting each other and clasping a segment of ileum in between, causing a complete obstruction of the small intestine. concern is advised, and if signs of intestinal distress develop, prompt laparotomy to prevent serious gastrointestinal complications should be performed.
病史摘要:患儿男,6岁,因“间断发热10天,黑便4次”入院。患儿10天前无明显诱因出发热,体温波动在38~39o C,在外院诊断为“上呼吸道感染”给予新雅亚太,鱼腥草治疗1天后热退,间
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