Desulfurization in Reducing Atmosphere and AmmoniaInjection Denitrification in a Coal-Fired Fluidize

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ye77hao
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With the rising of IGCC and the second generation PFBC-CC, and with the development of tech-nology of staged combustion to lower emission of NOx, the desulfurization efficiency under reducingatmosphere is raised. In this paper, with the application of the fly-ash recycle and tworstage combus-tion technologies in a fluidized bed combustor, the desulfurization test under reducing atmosphere isdescribed. Meanwllile, ammonia injection test was also conducted. Results show that desulfurizationunder reducing atmosphere has higher efficiency, and ammonia injection denitrification effect is veryperfect. With the rising of IGCC and the second generation PFBC-CC, and with the development of tech-nology of staged combustion to lower emission of NOx, the desulfurization efficiency under reducing atmosphere is raised. In this paper, with the application of the fly-ash recycle and tworstage combus-tion technologies in a fluidized bed combustor, the desulfurization test under reducing atmosphere isdescribed. Meanwllile, ammonia injection test was also conducted. Results show that desulfurization under reducing atmosphere has higher efficiency, and ammonia injection denitrification effect is veryperfect.
与人交往,大概就两种情形。  一种是两个人,两两相对,两人世界,爱人,知音,知己。  另一种就是人群。三人以上,就是人群,所谓“三人成众”嘛。  三个人在一起,就一定有远近,有疏密,而且是不确定的,不是正三角形。如果真要维持正三角形,那也太紧张了吧?  从你的描述看,在号称朋友的三人中,你似乎与另外两人有些游离、有些隔膜……  我觉得这里又可能存在两种情况。一是可能真的如你感觉,她们的关系更紧密,
小企鹅,住南极,  挺着一个大肚皮。  胸前挂着白肚兜,  身后披着黑大衣。  扇着两个小翅膀,  不会飞翔不着急。  游游泳,滑滑冰,  跳个舞,笑嘻嘻。
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