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建立区域经济新格局是社会主义商品经济新秩序的重要内容。本文提出了划分经济区域的新角度,分析了改革时期的区域经济运行的特征和问题。作者认为,经济区域发展呈现非均衡状态,隐含着严重的结构性偏差和错位;各区域内国民收入、积累和消费关系不对称;地方的自给自足倾向降低了区域专业化程度,区域产业结构趋同;计划和市场两种协调机制的摩擦加剧等是旧格局存在的主要问题。作者认为,应调整改革策略,可从调整区域政策、实行统一价格、开发区域市场和构造新的区域产权组织模式等方面,来考虑如何构造、市场导向的区域经济新格局。同时,作者又提出了实行“双向开放、网络发展”的战略,以调整区域发展的总格局的思路。 Establishing a new pattern of regional economy is an important part of the new socialist economic order. This article puts forward a new perspective of dividing the economic area and analyzes the characteristics and problems of the regional economic operation during the reform period. The author believes that the development of the economic region presents imbalanced status, implying serious structural deviation and dislocation; the national income, accumulation and consumption asymmetry in each region; the tendency of local self-sufficiency reduces the degree of regional specialization and the regional industrial structure Convergence; the intensification of the friction between the two coordination mechanisms of the plan and the market are the major problems existing in the old pattern. The author believes that we should adjust the reform strategy and consider how to construct a new market-oriented regional economy from the aspects of adjusting regional policies, implementing uniform prices, developing regional markets and constructing a new model of regional property rights organizations. At the same time, the author proposed the strategy of “two-way opening up and network development” to adjust the general pattern of regional development.
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