努力提高临床输血水平 创建现代化医院输血科——浙医一院输血科创立十周年汇报会举行

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为适应医学科学发展和医疗、教学、科研工作的需要而创立的浙江医科大学附属一院输血科,迎来了创立十周年的喜庆。1994年12月1日,浙医一院特为该科隆重举行了建科十周年汇报会。 中国输血协会理事长才生嘎,浙江省人民政府办公厅副秘书长杨丽英,浙江省卫生厅厅长张承烈,副厅长喻华芝,浙江医科大学校长郑树、党委书记吕世亭、副校长丁德云等领导出席了大会。大会由浙医一院党委书记李兰娟主持。 浙医一院王竞院长首先致辞,他说:“输血科是我院改革试点科室,在人员少,房屋、仪器设备十分简陋的条件下,全科工作人员发扬艰苦创业的精神,克服各种困难,积极进取,努力开 In order to adapt to the development of medical science and the needs of medical, teaching, and scientific research, the Department of Blood Transfusion, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Medical University, celebrated its 10th anniversary. On December 1st, 1994, the First Session of Zhejiang Medical College held the report of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the company. Chairman of the China Blood Transfusion Association was born and raised, Yang Liying, Deputy Secretary-General of the General Office of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, Zhang Chenglie, Director of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Health, Yu Huazhi, Deputy Director of Zhejiang Medical University, Zheng Shu, President of Zhejiang Medical University, Lu Shiting, Party Secretary and Vice President Ding Deyun attended the meeting. The conference. The conference was presided over by Li Lanjuan, party secretary of the Zhejiang Institute of Medicine. President Wang Jing of Zhejiang Medical Institute gave the first speech. He said: “The Department of Blood Transfusion is a pilot of reform in our hospital. Under the conditions of few staff, housing, and equipment, the staff of the general public carry forward the spirit of arduous pioneering and overcome various difficulties. , aggressive and hard work
根据官方正式说法 ,斯大林于 195 3年 3月 1日在莫斯科沃沦斯基别墅患了中风 ,4天后 ,即 3月 5日逝世。然而 ,当年曾在斯大林身边工作过的根纳季·科洛缅采夫日前向媒体证实
013 医院领导职能与分工[日]/一条腾夫∥病院。一1993,50(8).-679~681医院的诊疗与经营两者分工,作为医院最高领导人院长,一方面要把精力放任提高医疗护理质量上,同时还要在医院经济经营方面投入力量,才能
We all hear about foreign actors making it big~([成功])in Hollywood.But many acknowledge that they were shaking in their boots~([胆战心惊])the first time they w
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