科学种水稻 增产效益高

来源 :山西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RSH1987
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河边镇第四村樊万楼,是多年水稻高产的典型,1989年在3亩地里又取得了亩产823公斤的好收成。他的主要经验是过好“四关”。一、“早”字关。早育苗,早插秧。育苗在耕层解冻、地温开始回升时进行,一般在4月15—20日。选择背风向阳,土质良好的地势整地作畦,培肥床土,利用塑膜与马粪的保温作用进行提早育苗,科学管理,培育壮苗。早插秧,一般在5月25日至6月5日完成,在插秧前10—15天结合整地平田,进行洗盐压减,以优质农家肥和磷肥作底肥,床面洒施碳铵来培肥地力。插秧后,及时防除病虫草害,给水稻生长创造一个良好 Fan Wanlou, the fourth village of Hebi Town, is a typical example of many years of high-yielding rice. In 1989, another good harvest of 823 kilograms per mu was obtained in 3 mu of land. His main experience is good “four off.” First, the “early” word off. Early nursery, early planting. Breeding nursery in the top layer thaw, ground temperature began to rise, usually in April 15-20. Select the leeward sunny, good soil preparation for land preparation, soil bed, the use of plastic film and horse manure early nursery, scientific management, nurturing strong seedlings. Early planting seedlings, usually in the May 25 to June 5 to complete, 10-15 days before transplanting with the preparation of Hirata, washing salt pressure reduction, with high-quality manure and phosphate fertilizer as base fertilizer, the bed sprinkled with ammonium bicarbonate to cultivate Fertility. After transplanting, timely control of pests and diseases, to create a good rice growth
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