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各地区行署,各地级市人民政府,自治区计委、经贸委、开放办、口岸办、边贸局、财政厅、外经贸厅、国税局、地税局、商检局,南宁海关,中国银行广西区分行,国家外汇管理局南宁分局:为实施我区开放带动战略,自治区党委和自治区人民政府确定今年的工作重点之一要抓好对外开放。现各地市和各有关部门都在认真贯彻全区对外开放工作会议精神,采取措胤促进外贸出口,加大引资力度。但是,由于亚洲金融危机的影响还在加深和南美等国家出现的经济动荡,我区主要出口市场对我商品的需求下降,使今年外贸出口遇到了前所没有的困难,导致我区今年以来出口急剧下降,对自治区人大确定的今年外贸出口调控目标的完成和实施自治区党委提出的开放带动战略造成了极大的影响。为了及时扭转目前 Regional Administrative Offices, People’s Governments at all levels, Autonomous Region Planning Commission, Economic and Trade Commission, Open Office, Port Office, Border Trade Bureau, Department of Finance, Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, National Taxation Bureau, Local Taxation Bureau, Commodity Inspection Bureau, Nanning Customs, Bank of China Guangxi Branch The Nanning Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange: To implement the strategy of opening up in our region, the party committee of the autonomous region and the people’s government of the autonomous region have determined that one of the priorities of this year’s work is to open up to the outside world. The cities and relevant departments are now conscientiously implementing the spirit of the open-minded work conference in the region, taking measures to promote foreign trade exports, and intensify efforts to attract foreign capital. However, as the impact of the Asian financial crisis is also deepening the economic turmoil that has emerged in countries such as South America, the demand for our products in the major export markets of our region has dropped, making this year’s foreign trade exports encounter difficulties that were not previously encountered, resulting in the export of our district this year. The drastic decline has had a great impact on the completion of the foreign trade export control targets set by the autonomous regional people’s congress and the implementation of the opening-up strategy proposed by the party committee of the autonomous region. In order to reverse the current
印尼国家种植园公司经理苏瓦尔蒂日前在西爪哇省省会万隆说,今年印尼的茶叶出口额预计可达7.28亿美元,比去年的5.38亿美元有大幅度增加。 Indonesia’s national plantation
★3月10日 ,中国和泰国就中国加入世界贸易组织达成双边协议。中国外经贸部部长石广生和来访的泰国副总理兼商业部部长素帕猜在北京分别代表两国政府在协议上签字。石广生对泰国
Introduction:English is important in professorship education.The main principle of English teaching is practical learning.The Basic Requirements claim that the
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曼谷市场橡胶近期行情如下(株/公斤25ror000roWOOeqrtpo @ 序 口 回@?OOto???????77 $等于1美元现 货一号胶片二号胶片三号胶片四号胶片五号胶片泰国曼谷市场橡胶行情@泰市请