聆听天籁之音 8款声卡特别采购专集

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随着技术的不断进步,计算机的配置也在不断提高:最初的计算机是不会发声的,后来才在机箱中多了一个小喇叭,可以发出很简单的“嘀嘀”声;而现在多媒体已经成了PC机的最基本要求了,其中自然少不了声卡,而且用户对声卡的要求也越来越高,这使我们感到有必要把当前市场中常见的声卡分门别类,择其优者推荐给大家,以期能为大家提供一些有益的指导。这里需要指出的是,传统上的声卡都是ISA接口的,后来PCI接口的声卡才逐渐流行开来;随着PC99规范的公布,现在计算机主板上的ISA插槽正在逐渐消失,因此PCI声卡越来越走红,现在完全可以这样认为,ISA声卡已经没有选择的必要了,眼下最出色的声卡都是采用PCI接口的,所以除非是给老机更换(加装)声卡,否则还是请选择PCI声卡吧,这期采购专集也是围绕着PCI声卡而展开的。 With the continuous advancement of technology, the configuration of the computer is also constantly improving: the original computer will not be able to speak, but later in the chassis in a small speaker, can send a very simple “click”; and now multimedia has It became the most basic requirement for PCs, among which the sound card was naturally indispensable, and the user’s requirements for sound cards were also getting higher and higher. This made us feel that it is necessary to classify the sound cards that are currently common in the market and recommend the best ones to everyone. In order to provide us with some useful guidance. It needs to be pointed out here that the traditional sound cards are all ISA interfaces, and the sound card of the PCI interface gradually became popular. With the announcement of the PC99 specification, the ISA slots on computer motherboards are gradually disappearing, so the PCI sound cards are getting worse. More and more popular, now it can be completely considered that the ISA sound card is no longer necessary. The best sound card is PCI interface, so unless you replace the old one with the sound card, you still have to choose the PCI sound card. This time, the purchase of the album is also centered around the PCI sound card.
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