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美女像豪车一样,都值得收藏!01公孙子都风月委员会是时空局的一个分部门,时空局脱离时间和空间之外,负责清理妄图将历史拉离原本进程的一切障碍。风月委员会管姻缘,无论哪个朝代,只要有爱情需要的地方,都有我们风月委员会的员工。可生活越来越艰难,在时空局工作的员工也是肉身,不是喝喝露水就能活一天。为了生存,风月委员会改变了处事方针,姻缘是要管的,钱也得适当地收,不然大家都饿死了,谁去配对啊!于是风月委员会会长想出 Beauty is like a luxury car, and it is worth collecting! The 01 Gongsunzi Fengyue Committee is a sub-department of the space agency. The time and space agency is separated from time and space and is responsible for clearing all the obstacles that pull away history from the original process. The Fengyue Committee controls the marriage. No matter what dynasty, as long as there is a place where love is needed, we have staff of the Fengyue Committee. It can be harder and harder to live. The staff working in the space agency is also physically and physically able to live a day without drinking dew. In order to survive, the Fengyue Committee has changed its approach to affairs. Marriage is to be controlled, and money has to be properly received. Otherwise, everyone is starving to death. Whoever goes to match!
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在闲暇时,我偶尔会听到一种声音,有时如银铃般摇动,发出清脆的声响,有时又爆发出爽朗的笑声,有时也会跳出不满的字眼。  娜塔莎——这个随时裹挟着明媚阳光的女孩,迫不及待地挤进了我的生命。即便她只是《战争与和平》中的一位平凡少女。  究竟是什么让她的音容笑貌如此令人难忘?无论怎样描摹美化,她也仅仅是个眼睛小,额头宽,鼻子不坏,但下巴和嘴都显稍大的女孩儿。如果从她的外貌上找不出亮点,那么我坚信所有的亮点
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