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一在钢铁企业的吨钢可比能耗中,烧结工序能耗占10-16%,仅次于炼铁,居第二位。近几年来,通过高料层烧结以及严格控制固体燃料的粒度等,使烧结工序能耗大幅度下降。但与国外先进水平相比,差距甚大。例如日本鹿岛3号烧结机(600米~2)1981年即达到47.46公斤标准煤/吨烧结矿;以精矿为主要原料的查波罗什烧结厂平均为59.37公斤,而武钢烧结厂1981年全年平均为67.76公斤标准煤/吨烧结矿。如何进一步降低烧结工序能耗仍是一个重要课题。统计表明,在烧结工序能耗中,固体燃料的消耗占60-70%,电能消耗占10-15%,煤气消耗占10%左右。进一步降低烧结能耗的主攻方向在节约固体燃料、电能、煤气三个方面。 In the iron and steel enterprises comparable energy consumption per ton, the sintering process energy consumption accounted for 10-16%, second only to iron, ranking second. In recent years, through the high material layer sintering and strict control of solid fuel particle size, so that the energy consumption of the sintering process dropped significantly. However, compared with the advanced level in other countries, the gap is huge. For example, Japan’s Kashima 3 sintering machine (600 to 2) in 1981 reached 47.46 kg of standard coal / ton of sinter; to concentrate as the main raw material of the Chaprosuo Sinter average of 59.37 kg, and WISCO sintering plant 1981 The annual average of 67.76 kilograms of standard coal per ton of sinter. How to further reduce the energy consumption of the sintering process is still an important issue. Statistics show that in the energy consumption of sintering process, the consumption of solid fuel accounts for 60-70%, electricity consumption accounts for 10-15% and gas consumption accounts for about 10%. To further reduce the main direction of sintering energy consumption in the conservation of solid fuel, electricity, gas three aspects.
一、概述 目前国内生产20管钢多采用电弧炉或平炉冶炼,能耗高,生产率低。LD转炉虽生产率较高,能耗远低于电弧炉,但直接由LD转炉吹炼20管钢,由于钢中含氧及夹杂物多,导致管坯
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