Bensen 五一跟几个朋友开车到离北京200多公里的小五台山去登山。他们要在山上度过至少一个夜晚。山顶上风非常大,瞬时风力有时会在10级以上,温度也很低,在零度以下,加上风力带来的温度散失,没有一顶好帐篷他们是无法度过一个寒冷的夜晚的。好在他们做好了充分的准备,Bensen 带来了他的高山帐,这种帐篷可以用于攀登雪山,可以抵抗12级的大风。在小五台的山顶上,这样的顶级装备也有用武之地。李刚是个狂热的越野爱好者,跟朋友们一起开车穿越沙漠、沼
Bensen and a few friends drove to Mt. Mount Wutai, more than 200 kilometers away from Beijing on May 1 to mountaineering. They want to spend at least one night in the mountains. Peak winds are very large, instantaneous wind sometimes at 10 or more, the temperature is also low, below zero, coupled with the loss of wind temperature, they do not have a good tents they can not spend a cold night. Fortunately, they are fully prepared, Bensen brought his alpine account, this tent can be used to climb the snow-capped mountains, can resist the gale 12. In the top of the hill, this top equipment also has its uses. Li Gang is a fanatic off-road enthusiasts, driving with friends through the desert, marsh