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据国家石化局透露的信息,1999年我国农药需求量不会明显增加,市场以平稳为主,但需对农药结构和剂型予以适当调整。1998年我国农药产量约为40万吨,产需情况基本与1997年持平。其中,有机磷等杀虫剂供过于求,杀菌剂、除草剂和高效、低毒、低残留、易生物降解农药需求明显增加。去年部分农药品种市场疲软的主要原因,一是农药生产企业产品结构过于雷同,同业竞争过于激烈。二是大面积、长时间的洪涝灾害影响了农药的正常使用。三是农资部门抛售库存,8月末全国供销系统农药库存同比下降16.4%。其中,杀虫剂同比下降16.0%,杀菌剂下降20.2%,除草剂下降10.7%。四是上年的超产结转至少为当年总产量的15%左右。 According to the information disclosed by the National Petrochemical Bureau, in 1999 China’s pesticide demand will not increase significantly, and the market will be mainly stable, but the pesticide structure and dosage form will need to be properly adjusted. In 1998, the output of pesticides in China was about 400,000 tons. The production and demand conditions were basically the same as in 1997. Among them, the supply of pesticides such as organophosphorus was oversupply, and the demand for fungicides, herbicides, and highly efficient, low-toxic, low-residue, easily biodegradable pesticides increased significantly. The main reasons for the sluggish market for some pesticides last year were that the product structure of pesticide production companies was too similar and the competition in the industry was too fierce. Second, large-scale and prolonged flooding has affected the normal use of pesticides. The third was the sale of inventory by the agricultural resources department. At the end of August, the inventory of pesticides in the national supply and marketing system decreased by 16.4% year-on-year. Among them, pesticides decreased by 16.0% year-on-year, fungicides decreased by 20.2%, and herbicides decreased by 10.7%. Fourth, last year’s over-production carryover was at least about 15% of the total output of the year.
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