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我厂是国有大型企业,在抓住机遇、深化改革、扩大开放、促进生产、保持稳定的方针指引下,团结拼搏,1994年生产经营取得了突出的成绩:全年实现利税8.5756亿元,突破了历史最高记录;实现利润1.0539亿元,创90年代以来最好水平.企业取得上述成绩的最主要原因是深化了内部改革.总厂对8个辅助单位实行内部剥离,促其逐步走向市场,向社会化、专业化、企业化经营方向发展.现就总厂剥离维修系统,推行设备维修社会化、专业化等方面的做法浅述如下.我厂是在“大而全、小而全”的指导思想下建设起来的三线企业,设备维修系统配备有大量的机器设备及高精度的检测维修工具,存储有数量可观的零配件,并拥有雄厚的技术力量,曾被喻为“第二机械制造部门”,长期以来该系统只为企业本身服务,造成了极大的闲置与浪费.总厂为深化改革,将其从主体剥离,将检修大队中的土建、管、焊、铆四个工种组建为建安公 Our factory is a large state-owned enterprise. Under the guidance of the principle of seizing opportunities, deepening reforms, expanding opening up, promoting production, and maintaining stability, we achieved solid results in 1994. Our production and operations have achieved outstanding results in 1994: we achieved a total of 857.56 billion yuan in profits and taxes throughout the year. The highest record in history; a profit of 1.0539 billion yuan, the best level since the 1990s. The most important reason for the above-mentioned achievements of enterprises is to deepen internal reforms. The factory has implemented internal divestment on eight auxiliary units and promoted it to gradually enter the market. To the direction of socialization, specialization, and enterprise management, the current practice of stripping the maintenance system of the plant and implementing the socialization and professionalization of equipment maintenance are described below. Our factory is “large and complete, small and complete”. Under the guiding ideology of the third-line enterprise, the equipment maintenance system is equipped with a large number of machine equipments and high-precision inspection and maintenance tools. It stores a considerable number of spare parts and has strong technical force. It was once regarded as “the second machinery. The ”manufacturing department" has for a long time served this system only for the enterprise itself, resulting in a great deal of idleness and waste. The plant has deepened its reform, removed it from the main body, and will overhaul the brigade. Civil engineering, tubes, welding, riveting to form the four types of public Jian
亿美元,比1993年的1834亿美元增加9.5%‘ 前50家大化工公司的化工销售额为1709.28亿 美元,也比上年的1546.5亿美元增加9.5%。前 50家大化工公司占前100家大化工公司总销售…
台湾为配合蒙特娄议定书规定,与全球同步开始管制CFC进口之时,使CFC消费量从1986年1万0159公吨削减到1993年6,357公吨,降幅近40%,1994年已削减至2540公吨。 溶剂清洗使用现况
摹馨馨】耀矍豁翼{示瞬今赛琴毫碧雌昨袭药款哭鑫』知弓l魏塔巡电石下落犷.j梦之绝‘汾羞鬓豁气51铁甲驰骋在祁连山下@刘广辉 忻 Xin】 Yi Xin 翼 wing {show the moment th
据日本Morimura Bros.公司宣布它将扩大其在印度的结晶二氧化硅粉末厂的生产能力。该厂是日本公司与印度Chettinad水泥公司合资经营的,于1993年7月开工生产结晶二氧化硅粉末
我以积极奋进的脚步  跨入你同样以积极的性格编织的门  跨入绿叶红花热情洋溢的园林  这一片永远是春天的世界  是你带着梦,在这一片热土上扎根和攀援  我将在这个早晨,向着太阳的方向  盼望,你那顽强奋进的力量  盼望,你枝连着枝的精神  叶连着叶的爱恋  花连着花的美丽与魅力  你无言无语守住了我昨夜梦里的城闉  今晨,我流连你那一条条翼然欲飞的枝头  我于你的身旁行走,心不再踟蹰  此时,晨光