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每年的9月下旬至10月上旬,是辽宁东部山区一年中最迷人的季节。一迷红叶撩人:山上山下,风展红叶如画;沟里沟外,云摇火树生花。二迷云海醉人:风扯潮头送天外世界奔来眼底;云外号令卷千军万马再塑古今。三迷秋水怡人:山溪清冷,谱一路欢歌笑语;瀑布遥挂,坠半潭碎玉流金。四迷秋风爽人:拂面如纤手有万千慰藉;入肺若甘泉启九重灵光。辽东金秋好迷人,迷眼迷情更迷心。 从沈阳沿沈丹高速南行60公里到本溪市,出高速东行40公里到小市,再南行20多公里,便来到关门山景区。这里是沈阳、本溪一带游人赏红叶秋水的首选之地。景区内有两处主要景点,一是位于景区南部的水库二是位于北部的一条缀满红叶的山谷。水库之水除清碧之外谈不上特色,但红叶之谷却有几分撩人。谷长约七八里,九曲十八弯,一溪细水蜿蜒其间,簇簇红叶乱布两侧,摄影作画,观赏嬉闹,无不任去任留。沟口有宾 From late September to early October each year, it is the most charming season in the eastern mountainous region of Liaoning. A fan of red leaves sultry: the mountain down the hill, the picturesque leaves of the wind show; ditch ditch outside, cloud fire tree flowers. Two fans cloud intoxicated: wind tide sent to the world outside the sky run to the eyes; Three fans autumn pleasant: mountain stream cold, spectrum all the way to laughter; falls hanging, fall half of the pool crushed jade flow. Four fanciful autumn wind: Whisk as a good hand there are thousands of solace; Into the lungs if Ganquan Kai nine strong Emmanuel. Liaodong autumn so charming, confused and more confused. From Shenyang along Shen Dan high-speed southbound 60 kilometers to Benxi City, a 40 km eastbound high-speed to the small city, and then southbound more than 20 kilometers, they came to Guan Men Shan area. Here is the preferred place for visitors to enjoy autumn leaves in Shenyang and Benxi. There are two main scenic spots, one is located in the scenic southern reservoir two is located in the northern part of a leafy valley. In addition to the reservoir of water except Qingbi not to mention the characteristics, but the Valley leaves somewhat sultry. The valley is about seven or eight miles, nine 18th bend, a stream of water winding meandering, clusters of red leaves chaos on both sides of the cloth, photography painting, watching frolic, without leaving any to stay. Mizoguchi guest
交通 泰顺是浙江省南部一个山区县,距离温州市西南100多公里。到泰顺可以选择先到温州,牛山北路的客运中心有开往泰顺各主要城镇的长途汽车。 温州到泗溪,卧铺大巴,车票约40
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一等奖加快发展水利经营工作的思考推进水务一体化改革促进水利跨越式发展 二等奖加强改革中国有资产管理的几点思考水利勘测单位改制的难点及对策浅析黄明国有水利建筑施工
八月中秋,金风送爽,硕果累累,处处充满丰收的喜悦。 中国三峡总公司十年华诞,三峡工程百年梦圆,英雄的三峡建设者在中华大地上又筑起一座新的长城,创造了新的奇迹。 十年岁