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《英语课程标准》提出:英语课程要面向全体学生,要关注每一个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心。这里的“全体学生”和“他们”包括已经以英语为傲的尖子生,更加包括面对英语不敢问不敢言的后进生。作为一名英语老师,我每年都会碰到各种各样的英语后进生,面对后进生,我认为 The English Curriculum Standard puts forward that the English curriculum should be aimed at all the students, paying attention to the emotion of each student, stimulating their interest in learning English and helping them build a sense of achievement and self-confidence in learning. Here “All Students ” and “They ” include those who have proud pride in English, including more in the face of English dare not ask unspeakable post-graduation. As an English teacher, every year I encounter a variety of post-graduation English, in the face of future students, I think
作者原籍匈牙利,1938年侨居英国,后来他写了一本 How to Be an Alien,看似对侨民的劝告,实则是为取乐英国人。这里选登的是该书的第一章。 The author, originally from Hu
(A room in the Stones’ house. It is on the first floor.Mrs Stone wants to let’ the room. She is standing besideher husband.)MRS STONE Well, the room’s ready
汉语拉丁化不符合中国国情    现在推行普通话是很好的,但是也只能大概地统一我们的方言。我的无锡腔的普通话比陆定一高明一点,陆定一的话根本没办法(懂)。我们国家里有很多地区,很多音是辨别不清的。比如四川管“拉车子”叫“拿车子”,n、1不分。我们有许多方言、方音是很复杂的。因此想先统一了官话,再搞拼音文字。就是这个拼音文字,大家“仰望”的话,没有三十年至五十年是办不到的。要大概统一容易,像我这种官话
这里发表的“这场官司断得好”一文,很值得一读与思索。 党的十一届三中全会以来,随着林业政策的落实和放宽,我区林业专业户象雨后春笋般地涌现、发展和壮大,到目前已发展到
Miss Darby was one of those people who never threwanything away. ’You never know when you might need it.’was one of her favorite sayings. She lived alone in
The opening of borders and markets inthe European Union has turned into abonanza for organised crime. Cross-efficient if the EU is to bring down crime Crime is
I watched my grandson’s wonderat a shaft of light coming through akeyhole.“Oh look,Nan,”he said after I watched my grandson’s wonderat a shaft of light co