Journalistic English--Viewed from News Reports of Tabloids and Broad-sheets

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiayuanyuan001
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In daily life,the author finds that even though reporting the same event,different newspapers employ different words,sentence structures and scale of style.In order to have a more detailed analysis of the distinctions between tabloids and broadsheets,the author gives an analysis from the three significant parts of newspapers,namely:headline,lead,and body.Through exemplifications and logical analysis,it is found that different newspapers adopt various styles,sentence structures,geography,and words so as to cater to readers of diverse tastes and preferences. In daily life, the author finds that even though reporting the same event, different newspapers employ different words, sentence structures and scale of style.In order to have a more detailed analysis of the distinctions between tabloids and broadsheets, the author gives an analysis from the three significant parts of newspapers, namely: headline, lead, and body. Through exemplifications and logical analysis, it is found that different languages ​​adopt various styles, sentence structures, geography, and words so as to cater to readers of diverse tastes and preferences .
The distinctive form of language emerged from the Internet is gaining more and more attention these days.In fact,different theories and methodologies can suppor
《三角形的内角和》是人教版小学数学四年级下册第五单元的内容.三角形的内角和是180 °是三角形的一个重要性质,也是进一步学习的基础.在经过了一遍遍的研读教材、试教、修
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