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自然铜质地坚硬,需火煅醋淬后方易打碎配方。一般炮制书只注明煅至红透,其实远远不够。笔者将边长1cm左右的自然铜丁块煅至红透,醋淬后打开一看,只有外表1.5mm薄的一层煅透,中心仍然金光闪闪,根本没透。即使红透后再煅半小时,煅透层也只有3mm厚,中心仍是生的。如将其打碎后再煅,虽能大大缩短煅制时间,但不便于淬、洗、烘、晒等操作。自然铜的主要成分为硫化铁,加热至500℃,能灼燃而产生蓝色火焰,俟此火焰消失,说明硫化铁已燃烧完毕,自然铜方被煅透。有人可能会说:这样煅烧不会过分吗?不过《和剂局方》在自然铜下的炮制脚注中也有如此记载:“凡使用火烧会通赤,以醋淬九遍细研 The natural copper is hard and needs to be smashed after being hardened by fired vinegar. The general processing book only states that the calcinations are so thorough that it is far from enough. I will be about 1cm on the side of the natural copper block calcined to red, after vinegar quenching open to see, only the appearance of a thin layer of 1.5mm calcined, the center is still shiny, not through. Even though it was calcined and then calcined for half an hour, the cured layer was only 3mm thick and the center was still raw. If it is broken and then calcined, although it can greatly shorten the forging time, it is not convenient for quenching, washing, drying and drying. The main component of natural copper is iron sulfide, which is heated to 500°C and burns to produce a blue flame. This flame disappears, indicating that the iron sulfide has been burned and the natural copper is calcined. Some people may say: This kind of calcination won’t be excessive, but it is also stated in the concocted footnotes under the natural copper of the “harmony agent”. “While using fire, it will turn red, and vinegar will be quenched nine times.
为了提高我国对外贸易的竞争力 ,使我国的产品生产、仓储和流通等各方面的数据能够与国际统计数据保持一致 ,提高我国产品统计的准确性和国际可比性 ,必须建立起与国际标准相
1 实验1.1 材料和仪器枸桔(Poncirus trifoliata Raf.)1989年9月采自陕西汉中地区,经本校生物系黄可副教授鉴定.枸桔挥发油用自制的水蒸汽蒸馏一溶剂萃取装置提取,以精馏石
前言 近年来,随着国际贸易和包装工业的发展,环境问题已引起世界各国的普遍关注,保护环境,积极开发符合环保要求的商品包装已成为人们的共识,因此我国包装工业必须改变观念,强化无