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伴随着社会经济的发展,经贸类的专业也越来越受到高职高专类院校的追捧。《经济学基础》被列为作为教育部审定的高职经济管理类专业的专业核心课程,其教学内容包括微观经济学和宏观经济学两个部分。通过课程学习,一方面使学生掌握经济学基本原理、基本观点、基本分析方法,科学认识市场经济运行的基本规律;另一方面逐步培养学生关注现实、运用所学理论知识分析和解决实际问题的能力,使学生具备系统和扎实的经济理论功底和应用能力,为后续其他专业课程学习打下坚实的基础。综合性、应用性、实践性强是该课程的重要特征。然后再实习的教学过程中,我们发现这是一门“老师难教、学生难学”的课程。学生觉得经济学枯燥无味,对《经济学基础》真门课即学不会,也不愿学。教与学本就是一对矛盾,然后这对矛盾在经济学的课堂上特别的突出,在经济学的教学过中,如何处理好难教与难学的矛盾成为教学成败的关键。 With the development of social economy, the major of economy and trade is also increasingly sought after by higher vocational and technical colleges. The “Fundamentals of Economics” is listed as a professional core course for higher vocational economics and management major approved by the Ministry of Education. Its teaching content includes two parts: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Through the course study, on the one hand, students should master the basic principles of economics, basic ideas and basic analysis methods, and scientifically understand the basic laws governing the operation of market economy. On the other hand, students should gradually cultivate students’ attention to reality and apply the theoretical knowledge to analyze and solve practical problems Ability to enable students to have a systematic and solid theoretical foundation of economic theory and application capabilities for the follow-up to lay a solid foundation for other professional courses. Comprehensive, practical, practical and strong is an important feature of the course. And then internship teaching process, we found that this is a “difficult to teach the teacher, students difficult to learn ” course. Students feel that economics is boring and does not want to learn or learn from the real course “Fundamentals of Economics.” Teaching and learning are two contradictions, and then this contradiction is particularly prominent in the economics class. In the teaching of economics, how to deal with the contradiction between difficult teaching and difficult teaching has become the key to the success or failure of teaching.