
来源 :水处理技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxuhhe
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针对某医药中间体废水成分复杂,有机物浓度高,具有生物抑制性,废水可生化性差等特点,对其进行了铁碳微电解联合Fenton氧化-混凝沉淀预处理试验研究。通过正交试验进行了微电解过程中铁碳比、反应停留时间、pH、铁粉投加量等参数的优化,COD的去除率为29.1%。结合后续Fenton氧化与混凝沉淀试验,当H2O2投加量为8%,适当调节混凝pH,整个预处理系统出水COD去除率达45.0%,总磷的去除率达77.1%,盐度去除率为24.8%,色度去除率高达95%,可生化性提高至0.29,为后续综合污水的生物处理提供了有利条件。 Aiming at the complex composition of wastewater, high concentration of organic compounds, biological inhibition and poor biodegradability of wastewater, a pharmaceutical intermediates wastewater was pretreated with Fenton oxidation-coagulation pretreatment. Through the orthogonal experiment, the parameters of iron-carbon ratio, reaction residence time, pH and iron powder dosage were optimized. The removal rate of COD was 29.1%. Combined with the subsequent Fenton oxidation and coagulation-sedimentation experiments, when the dosage of H2O2 was 8%, the pH of coagulation was properly adjusted, the effluent COD removal rate of the whole pretreatment system was 45.0%, the total phosphorus removal rate was 77.1%, the salinity removal rate Was 24.8%, the removal rate of chroma was as high as 95% and the biodegradability was increased to 0.29, which provided favorable conditions for the biological treatment of subsequent integrated sewage.
介绍了悬浮聚四氟乙烯树脂球形和纤维状粒子的制备和主要性能 ,以及不同形状粒子适宜加工的制品类型 The preparation and main properties of spherical and fibrous parti
目的 分析胃食管反流病的中医证候及临床表现,总结其在证候及症状方面的特点.方法 收集134例胃食管反流病病例,通过社会网络研究的中心性、凝聚子群等分析方法,根据得到的数