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随着企业创新理论体系研究的不断深入,企业创新能力形成机理作为基本问题变得日益重要。科学揭示企业创新能力的形成机理,有助于科学指导企业培育与提升其创新能力,避免途径与方法选择的盲目性。为此本文运用布鲁塞尔器模型对企业的创新能力形成机理进行了较详细的分析,以期为企业培育和提高创新能力提供一定的理论借鉴和依据。 With the deepening of the research on the theoretical system of enterprise innovation, the formation mechanism of the enterprise’s innovative ability becomes more and more important as a basic issue. Scientifically revealing the formation mechanism of the enterprise’s innovation ability will help to guide the enterprises to cultivate and enhance their innovative ability scientifically, and avoid the blindness of the choice of approach and method. Therefore, this paper uses the Bruser model to analyze the formation mechanism of innovation ability of enterprises in detail, in order to provide some theoretical reference and basis for enterprises to cultivate and enhance innovation ability.
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