曲折前进的历程 光辉灿烂的成就——学习中共党史(社会主义革命和建设时期)的要求与重点

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建国以来42年的历史,是中国共产党领导各族人民在社会主义道路上探索前进,经受曲折的考验,取得了光辉成就的历史.学习建国以来的党史,既要充分认识社会主义在中国胜利的必然性,又要用事物总是在曲折中发展的马克思主义发展观认识社会主义在中国实践的长期性和曲折前进的规律,增强社会主义必胜的信念. 建国42年的党史,可划分为四个时期:由新民主主义社会向社会主义社会转变的时期;社会主义在探索中曲折前进的时期;“文化大革命”内乱的时期和改革开放,全面开创社会主义现代化建设新局面的时期. The history of 42 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China was a history that the CPC led the people of all ethnic groups in exploring and enduring the path of socialism under the test of twists and turns and achieved brilliant achievements.Having a full understanding of the victory of socialism in China But also use the Marxist development concept of things always developing in twists and turns to recognize the long-term and tortuous laws governing the practice of socialism in China so as to enhance the conviction that socialism will win. The 42 years of founding of the party history can be divided For a period of four periods: the period from the new-democratic society to the socialist society; the period during which socialism meandered in exploration; the period of the “Cultural Revolution”; the period of civil strife and the policy of reform and opening up and the all-round creation of a new situation in socialist modernization period.
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摘要:本文中笔者以参加新课改培训和新课改的理论学习为基础,结合新课改教学的实践,提出课堂组织教学中各环节的新观点和新做法,即新课导入的生活化,新知处理的人性化,课堂总结的知识结构化以及课后习题处理对学生思维能力培养的多样化。  关键词:新课改;数学;环节    新课程改革推行三年来,它所体现的新的教学理念正逐步被广大教育工作者所接受,但在课堂组织教学的实践中,许多教师常笼罩在传统教学的“阴影”之中
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