我在人民日报四十年 连载21

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真实性、片面性及其他从1950年7月到1951年4月,《人民日报》派我三到朝鲜,先随朝鲜人民军采访,后随中国人民志愿军采访。文字写了不算少,究竟完成任务没有呢?当时自我感觉是好的,领导也说很不错。特别是第一次,我国仅派出一人,又在南朝鲜新解放区和战区走了一大圈,占有“热点”、“独家”的优势。但是,用现在眼光看看,也许只能得六七十分。第一次与英、法两国的党报记者同行。首次出国采访,自我提醒要发愤,要谨慎。后两次同中国同志一起,记者甚多,大家比着,还是信守上述自律。发愤当然很对。谨慎也好,但有时变成拘谨,加上某 Authenticity, One-sidedness and Others From July 1950 to April 1951, the People’s Daily sent me to North Korea for the third time, followed by an interview with the People’s Army of North Korea and an interview with the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army. Write the text is not less, after all, did not complete the task? At that time, I feel good, the leadership also said very good. Especially for the first time, China has only sent one person and took a big circle in the newly liberated areas of South Korea and the theater of war, occupying the advantages of “hot spots” and “exclusiveness.” However, with the present look, maybe only six or seventy. For the first time, they are accompanying party reporters in Britain and France. For the first time abroad, self remind to be angry, be cautious. After two times with Chinese comrades, there are many journalists. Everyone is more than following, or abide by the above-mentioned self-discipline. Of course, angry right. Cautious, but sometimes become cautious, plus a