来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics(Ser.B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong514
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The nonlinear stability problem in nonparallel boundary layer flow for twodimensional disturbances was studied by using a newly presented method called Parabolic Stability Equations (PSE). A series of new modes generated by the nonlinear interaction of disturbance waves were tabulately analyzed, and the Mean Flow Distortion (MFD) was numerically given. The computational techniques developed, including the higherorder spectral method and the more effective algebraic mapping, increased greatly the numerical accuracy and the rate of convergence. With the predictorcorrector approach in the marching procedure, the normalization condition was satisfied, and the stability of numerical calculation could be ensured. With different initial amplitudes, the nonlinear stability of disturbance wave was studied. The results of examples show good agreement with the data given by the DNS using the full NavierStokes equations. The nonlinear stability problem in nonparallel boundary layer flow for twodimensional disturbances was studied by using a newly presented method called Parabolic Stability Equations (PSE). A series of new modes generated by the nonlinear interaction of disturbance waves were tabulatedly analyzed, and the Mean Flow Distortion The computational technique developed, including the higherorder spectral method and the more effective algebraic mapping, increased greatly numerical and rate of convergence. With the predictorcorrector approach in the marching procedure, the normalization condition was satisfied, and the stability of numerical calculation could be ensured. With different initial amplitudes, the nonlinear stability of disturbance waves was studied. The results of examples show good agreement with the data given by the DNS using the full NavierStokes equations.
A modified moving particle semi-implicit method (MPS) is presented for incompressible fluids. Modification is on the removal of imaginary nodes to enforce the b
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第一条根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》及其实施条例,制定本规定。 第二条本规定适用于处理车辆在道路上因过错或者意外造成的人身伤亡或者财产损失的事故。 车辆在道
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第一条 为规范援外青年志愿者选派和管理工作 ,促进青年志愿者援外服务工作的健康发展 ,特制定本办法。第二条 援外青年志愿者是指利用国家对外援助资金 ,由专门机构选派到
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