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在1978~2008年这30年的中国现代企业史上,中国市场上主要存在着三股力量:国营公司、民营公司、外资公司,这三种力量此诮彼长、互相博弈,它们的利益切割以及所形成的产业、资本格局,最终构成了中国经济成长的所有表象。中国现代商业变革是一场由国家亲自下场参与的公司博弈,在规律上存在着它的必然性与先天的不公平性,但对这种制度上的缺陷进行客观而公允的评价并不容易。也许,只有对中国企业这30年的历史进行全景式解读,才可能透过奇迹般的光芒,拨开历史深处存在着的那些迷雾:国家在这次企业崛起运动中扮演了什么角色?为什么伟大的经济奇迹没有催生伟大的公司?中国企业的超越模式与其他超越型国家之间有何差异?30年时间,足以让中国企业界对超常规发展所带来的各种效应进行重新思考。为便于中国企业界进行这种思考,本刊从本期开始以连载的形式推出《1978~2008:中国企业史》,对中国企业这段不平凡的历史进行全景式解读。 In the history of modern Chinese enterprises from 1978 to 2008 in the history of 30 years, there are mainly three forces in the Chinese market: state-owned companies, private companies and foreign-funded companies. These three powers play different roles, play against each other, cut their interests, The formed industry and capital pattern eventually formed all the appearances of China’s economic growth. China’s modern business transformation is a game of the company which is participated by the state itself. It has its inevitability and innate unfairness in the law. However, it is not easy to objectively and impartially evaluate this institutional defect. Perhaps it is only through the panoramic interpretation of these 30 years of history of Chinese enterprises that it is possible to pull through the miraculous glow the mysteries existing in history: what role does the state play in the rise of this enterprise? Why The great economic miracle did not spawn a great company? What is the difference between Chinese enterprises’ transcendence and other transcendental ones? Thirty years have given Chinese businesses a rethinking of the effects of unconventional growth. In order to facilitate this thinking of the Chinese business community, this issue launches “1978-2008: History of Chinese Enterprises” from the beginning of this issue in a serial format, which gives a panoramic view of the extraordinary history of Chinese enterprises.
<正>一、压气爆破筒的爆破方法及安全性这种爆破筒实际上是一种利用高压空气破碎煤炭的装置.用于破碎煤炭的高压空气(压力最高达840公斤/厘米~2) 系用往复卧式6级压缩机供给,
[目的]利用S-180荷瘤小鼠及细胞研究黄连素抑制肿瘤的作用及分子机制。[方法]利用免疫组织化学染色、WST1实验、流式细胞术及Real-time PCR等技术,检测黄连素抑制S-180肉瘤细