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班组是企业最基本的生产单元,但是,由于企业类型不同,基层班组成本发生的差异性很大,成本核算体制、原则、方法应有所不同。一、基层班组成本核算的原则(一)坚持从企业实际出发的原则。不同类型的企业成本核算的范围、项目各不相同,应结合企业生产实际,按照会计准则规定,合理确定基层班组成本核算范围与成本项目。(二)坚持与企业成本核算体制相衔接的原则。不同类型的企业应建立适用本企业的成本核算体制,包括成本核算范围、核算项目、核算方法,建立本企业成本核算制度。企业基层班组进行成本核算,在成本核算范围、核算项目、核算方法和核算制度等方面,应与本企业成本核算体制相衔接。(三)坚持遵循会计准则的原则。根据会计法、企业财务通则和会计准则规定,生产企业的会计核算体系实行集中管理,在企业总部和分支机构设计会计核算管理机构,基层班组 Team is the most basic unit of production. However, due to the different types of enterprises, the differences in costs of grass-roots team are great. The cost accounting system, principles and methods should be different. First, the principle of the basic level team cost accounting (A) adhere to the principle of starting from the actual business. Different types of business cost accounting range, the project varies, should be combined with the actual production of enterprises, in accordance with the provisions of accounting standards, a reasonable basis for the grassroots team accounting and costing scope of the cost of the project. (B) adhere to the principle of linking with the enterprise cost accounting system. Different types of enterprises should establish a cost accounting system for the enterprise, including the scope of cost accounting, accounting items, accounting methods, the establishment of the enterprise cost accounting system. Enterprise grassroots team for cost accounting, in the scope of cost accounting, accounting items, accounting methods and accounting system, etc., should be linked with the cost accounting system of the enterprise. (C) adhere to the principles of accounting standards. According to the Accounting Law, the General Rules for Corporate Finance and Accounting Standards, the accounting system of manufacturing enterprises shall be centrally managed, the accounting management organizations and the grassroots level teams shall be designed in the corporate headquarters and branches
【摘 要】施工现场管理是建筑施工企业开展各项施工活动的基础条件,只有切实做好现场施工管理工作,才能有条不紊地做好各项管理活动。新时期下,建筑施工企业必须要对现场施工管理工作进行一次全面深刻的认识,对其现状进行分析,并针对存在的问题,不断总结经验,找出适合建筑施工企业发展的可行性对策,完善管理体系,才能更好地实现建筑施工企业的可持续发展。本文笔者根据工作实践经验对土建工程项目现场施工管理进行了分析探
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【摘 要】公路工程施工项目管理的工作非常重要,其关系着整个工程项目是否能够顺利完成,各个施工企业也针对不同的施工项目制定施工全过程的规划,努力协调各项工作。本文笔者对公路工程项目管理中成本管理的运用进行了分析探讨,希望对相关从业人员具有借鉴意义。  【关键词】公路工程;项目管理;成本管理  一、公路工程施工项目管理简述  在公路工程施工项目中,材料设备购置、生产施工、技术工艺改造等工作构成了项目的
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