Analysis on "State Ownership of Climate Resources"

来源 :Meteorological and Environmental Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daizhenzeze
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Climate resources are not scarce resources,nor do they conform to basic characteristics of the legal conception of “objects”which is used in the legal context.It is a violation of jurisprudence to assign ownership of climate resources.The provisions of local regulation which stipulate that climate resources belong to the state and government therefore has the jurisdiction over the climate probe activities,which is not only counter to higher laws,but also goes against the Constitution.That makes the provisions invalid.Besides,state ownership of climate resources also creates the possibility for the state to take on liabilities for damage caused by climate disasters.The motivation for the above provisions in local regulation is to acquire the administrative approval rights and economic benefits hiding behind those rights.So the basic principles for exercising state power should be in line with basic jurisprudence and conform with provisions of the Constitution and higher laws. Climate resources are not scarce resources, nor do they conform to basic characteristics of the legal conception of “objects ” which is used in the legal context. It is a violation of jurisprudence to assign ownership of climate resources. The provisions of local regulation which stipulate that climate resources belong to the state and government therefore has the the jurisdiction over the climate probe activities, which is not only counter to higher laws, but also goes against the Constitution. makes the provisions invalid. also creates the possibility for the state to take on liabilities for damage caused by climate disasters.The motivation for the above provisions in local regulation is to acquire the administrative approval rights and economic benefits hiding behind those rights.So the basic principles for exercising state power should be in line with basic jurisprudence and conform with provisions of the Constitution and higher laws.
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