The first Choerolophodon (Proboscidea, Gomphotheriidae) skull from China

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honeywell88
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Here we report the first discovery of a relatively complete skull of Choerolophodon from the late early Miocene Dalanggou quarry of Linxia Basin, Gansu Province in China. The skull is low and elongated, with two enamel-less and out ward-and-upward curved incisors and the choerolophodont molars. These characters indicate that the new specimen can be as signed to the genus Choerolophodon, as it is quite distinct from other common gomphotheres in northern China such as Gom photherium, Platybelodon, and Sinomastodon. The skull is also primitive in possessing laterally-expanded zygomatic arches, anteriorly-positioned orbits, weakly-developed cheek teeth cement, and retention of a P4. Prior to this discovery, Cho erolophodon was found primarily from the middle-late Miocene of Africa, Eastern Europe, and western and southern Asia. The discovery of this new material expands the known temporal and spatial distributions of this taxon and helps us better un derstand the phylogeny, evolution, and adaptive radiation of gomphotheres in early Miocene of China. Here we report the first discovery of a relatively complete skull of Choerolophodon from the late early Miocene Dalanggou quarry of Linxia Basin, Gansu Province in China. The skull is low and elongated, with two enamel-less and out ward-and-upward curved incisors and the choerolophodont molars. These characters indicate that the new specimen can be as signed to the genus Choerolophodon, as it is quite distinct from other common gomphotheres in northern China such as Gom photherium, Platybelodon, and Sinomastodon. The skull is also primitive in possessing Priorrally to this discovery, Cho erolophodon was found from the middle-late Miocene of Africa, Eastern Europe, and western and southern Asia. The discovery of this new material expands the known temporal and spatial distributions of this taxon and helps us better un derstand the phylogeny, evolution, and adaptive radiation of gomphotheres in early Miocene of China.
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<正> 生命是地球演化过程中的自然产物,而现在人类生存的环境是在亿万年生命活动的参与下形成的,人类生存受环境的影响,同时又是环境的改造者和利用者。所以人类和环境之间存在着相互依存、相互制约和相互作用的极其复杂的关系。长期以来,人类用自己的智慧和双手创造了自己所需要的具有物质文明与精神文明的环境;但同时随着人类社会的进步和飞