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观朱镕基在九届全国人大五次会议举行的中外记者招待会时,正逢我家邀请亲朋好友小聚。来者有教授、博士、厂长、军官和退休市民。面对荧屏上的朱镕基胸有成竹地回答中外记者的提问,无不称赞不愧是大国总理的风范。席间,我注意客人时不时地搁下餐具,忘了桌上的美酒佳肴,激动地议论着朱镕基坦率地对美国记者说,目前令他最感头痛的是增加农民的收入,要解决这个问题是不容易的。大家七嘴八舌,中国终于成功地走出了一条改革开放的康庄大道,特别是在亚洲金融危机和世界经济不景气的形势下,中国经济连续多年高速发展,足见中国领导者的“功夫”过硬。作为一个13亿人口大国的大管家,为8亿农民收入不高而感到头痛,说明朱镕基头脑清醒,看到了中国要害问题 Observing Zhu Rongji’s invitation to invite relatives and friends for a gathering at the Chinese and foreign press conferences held at the Fifth Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress, There are professors, doctors, directors, officers and retired citizens. In the face of the screen, Zhu Rongji is well-versed in answering questions from Chinese and foreign reporters. All praise is indeed the demeanor of the great power prime minister. During the banquet, I paid attention to the guests from time to time to lay down utensils, forgot the food and drinks on the table, excitedly talking about Zhu Rongji told the U.S. reporter frankly that the most troubling thing for him now is to increase the income of peasants. To solve this problem, difficult. With the slurred speech, China finally succeeded in stepping out of a broad road of reform and opening up. Under the conditions of the Asian financial crisis and the global economic downturn, China’s economy has enjoyed rapid development for many years. This shows that the Chinese leaders’ “Kung Fu” Excellent. As a big housekeeper with a population of 1.3 billion, he felt a headache for the low income of 800 million peasants, indicating that Zhu Rongji was sober-minded and saw the key issue in China.
Background: Forests are fundamental in maintaining water supplies, providing economic goods, mitigating climate change, and maintaining biodiversity, thus provi
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一次寻梦、追梦的旅程一个亘古不变的梦,让洞庭湖早日重现浩浩汤汤的波澜壮阔。最微末的细节从人文、生态、经济三维的角度,记录大湖的历史变迁,见证母亲湖的恢复性成长。 A